Is there another ending?
Is there another ending?
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 10:48
I was expecting for Empyrean to already have been destroyed when I finally reach it or for me to be the messiah that would free the world from all evil, but the ending was quite different. When I touched the obelisk it crumbled and sent me back to the beginning. I wonder if it could have gone differetly. Is there any other ending?
No, that´s it. Dorkster can expand on it, but he has told me before that the campaign was a travel fueled by the characters guilt, ultimately descending to Hell to punish himself and maybe atone. Quite oniric honestly.
If you want to have something with a bit more coherent story plaese check my mod, Heresy.
What kind of gameplay are you after? What do you like in these kinds of games and what do you wish to avoid? I would like to read more suggestions and feedback from more people aiming towards more opinions on gameplay driving features / types of enjoyable content that people would like to see in general. The more voices the better :-).
Thanks! How developed is it at the moment?
For me it was just really the ending that was a bit unsatisfying. After playing for 8 hours I was really hoping i'd see what happenned to Empyrean, something that would have made the journey worth it. Hitting me on the snout and saying "Nope! You failed; go back to the beginning!" wasn't really that.
So far a first act, 2-3 hours duration, it´s pretty self contained so you can play it fully to the act conclusion. You can download it from this forum. I keep on adding things regulary as well from player feedback.