fedora remix
fedora remix
Saturday, November 24, 2012 - 07:04
I'm using Kororaa a fedora remix and have run into a problem figguring out which version to download and where to put things. When you say directory/ folder what level are you meaning? I have cmake. Just fuzzy on where to enter the code. The download is in /home/wesley/Documents/computer game design/flare/flare_v017_1 is that allowable? It will unpack into '/usr/local' I gather. I look forward to having some fun with it, figguring out how these games are done and maybe knocking up My own game eventually using blender and what ever you would recomend.
It sounds like you have the right directory. It should contain CMakeLists.txt.
Running make install (as root) will install the game to /usr/local/. If you'd rather not install it, you can copy the flare executable from the build/ directory up to the base directory (the one that has CMakeLists.txt).
I hope this helps.
The problem appears to be the libsvg dependancies that are the problem the i dont know how to get them with th linux version I have. The sodu command listed does not work??? I cant find them on the add remove software for some reason.
I'm a noob hoping to learn the ropes.
To install SDL, try:
sudo yum install SDL*
You might also need development tools (like gcc):
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
I'm having huge problems installing the game:
Its in the downloads folder but the comands I've been given by the guy that wrote my linux version wont work.
wesley@******* ~ $ sudo yum localinstall Download/flare-0.17.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm
[sudo] password for wesley:
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, priorities, refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Local Package Process
Cannot open: Download/flare-0.17.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm. Skipping.
Nothing to do
wesley@******* ~ $
Yet he installed it perfectly on his computer with essentially the same comands? He built my computer and its OS.
I'm a noob hoping to learn the ropes.
Ok its working now so I guess I'm right. I also found my linux guide book in the process. I may have created to installations though because if I start the game in terminal I get the one with my saves and if i search it on the desk top I get one with no saves and no UI changes.Weird but hey It means I could have 8 charater saves. lol.
I'm a noob hoping to learn the ropes.