Scimitar Sword
Scimitar Sword
Saturday, March 9, 2013 - 04:23
Art Type:
A nice and simple pixel scimitar or sharp pirate sword for your game. Enjoy!

A nice and simple pixel scimitar or sharp pirate sword for your game. Enjoy!
This could be made into a nice LPC style scimitar if I had one more view of this. If it were turned 45 degrees so it were straight up and down or left to right I could do the rest of the work! Don't suppose you're willing to make one more version of this at a 45 degree offset?
I decided to see if I could do a 45-degree version of AlexCons's scimitar. Here's what I came up with, side-by-side with the original on the left:
Suggestions welcome. It's not perfect, but it's probably good enough for the fraction of a second it'd be visible during an animation.
If you like this, feel free to use it under the same terms as the original (CC0) -- I'd love to see this scimitar make it into the LPC battle templates (and ideally, into the universal spritesheet).
That looks pretty nice. I didn't see that initially and I've been away from my game for a while. Thanks for the vertical sword, I can probably use that!
I definitely used it on my soundcloud for a track image. :D
thank you so much for making this free :)