Please explain how gold/item find and XP gain work
Please explain how gold/item find and XP gain work
Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 03:05
I found the descriptions of "Thief gloves" and "Relic Hunter's Ring" rather obscure: "Increase gold/item find by 25 (or something like that)". 25... what, exactly? Percent? Some arbitrary flare-internal unit? If so, how skilled is my character at finding gold/items to begin with? Do they affect how often mobs, crates, barrels, minecarts, treasure chests drop gold/items? Do they affect the amount of gold/the quality of the items?
Pretty much the same questions apply to the XP gain effect: Does it add, multiply or exponentiate the XP I gain? Or something else? Does it affect XP gained from quests? Does it affect XP gained from killing mobs?
Items have a percent chance to drop. Item Find increases that chance. E.g. if a creature has a 12% chance to drop a specific item, the Relic Finder Ring (+25% item find) will make that 15%.
Gold Find multiplies the amount of gold that drops by the given %. If you would usually get 12 gold and you have the Thief Gloves on (+25% gold find), you get 15 gold instead.
XP gain works like gold find, anytime you are awarded XP it gets multiplied by your bonus.
It should affect rewards from enemies, chests, and quests. (if you find it doesn't, let us know and we'll take a look).
Okay, thanks. One more question, though: Is the effect cumulative? Assuming something drops 100 gold and I'm wearing two items with +100% gold find, do I get 300 or 400 gold?
You add the bonuses first, so your character sheet would show +200% gold find. This would give you 300 gold.
Alright, thanks.