Low Poly Male Base Mesh

Low Poly Male Base Mesh

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This base mesh is my current "rinse and repeat" when it comes for almost all of my humanoids. I am not claiming it to be perfect by any standard, but with a little TLC given to the joints, you can easily animate it. (I added a few extra edge loops to make it easier as well).

With this, you can easily create any humanoid character you want.

-Not UV unwrapped

1640 quads, 2 tris


Also, you may find a lot of unnecessary loop cuts. All of the ones that seem superfluous are for my personal use, so you can easily remove them.

It's not perfect by any means, but it's definitely a good jumping-off point for beginning modelers / developers on a budget :D


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Nada. Zilch. Take it, use it, love it (or try at least) I made this as a test to see if I could when I started modeling, and... I could.
HumanBaseMesh.blend HumanBaseMesh.blend 470.6 Kb [781 download(s)]
HumanoidBaseMeshOBJ.obj HumanoidBaseMeshOBJ.obj 83.1 Kb [623 download(s)]