Valyria Tear character portraits request
Valyria Tear character portraits request
Hi everyone, :)
Following a recent and righteous comment on Free Game Dev from BioHazardX, I'm opening this topic to request portraits for the 2D JRPG Valyria Tear, that feel missing for a certain number of characters in there:
Here is how a portrait is looking when used in game:
(Here above you can see the main Hero's mother talking)
The portrait file specs:
- A single image with transparent background
- Painterly (No pixel art, please)
- Lossless (png)
- A minimum of 200x200 pixels
- using the same tone and style than the example above (See also the portrait folder link below)
- Open licensed as CC by SA 3.0 or CC by 3.0
The characters missing portraits are for the given characters (in order of preference):
- Orlinn (Kalya - Heroin's brother):
- Herth (Important NPC):
- Lilly: (Important NPC)
- Olivia: (Nomad Merchant/Trader)
All the currently available portraits can be found here:
I won't make any profit out of those, and the content will be reused openly and people will be able to play the game freely.
Yet, would you accept to create one of those portraits against a fee, how much would it be?
Thanks in advance for your help and best regards,
come on people, somebody say something. One point to mention is play the game, you might find yourself enjoying it too :)
Hi again,
Nobody would be interested in this? Even if I'm open to pay fur such art?
Best regards,
I might be, as it would be fun practise. But I am currently away and will be for a further 2 weeks. When I get back I may be able to do one or two.
Hi Redshrike,
No problem. We'll talk further if you're still interested after your return. ;)
Hi there!
Any news on this?
Best regards,
@Redhshirke any update on this ? The game is stalled it seems due to this potrait. The sense I got from Yohann's blog post of the game is he has gone ahead but doesn't seem to have committed anything to the repo. (as I just pulled yesterday and there was nothing new in the game) because the third hero's animation and frames are not done.
Look forward to have it so both Valyriatear can benefit as well as Hero of Allacrost (perhaps) as well.
Hi everyone, :)
Don't worry, the game next release won't be stopped because of the lack of portraits, but I would be glad to get some answers here.
As for the game update status, I've been working at the final maps lately but I won't unlock this WIP content until it's fully playable. I'll then be aimaing at a release.
Best regards,
Hey guys. Sorry for the lack of update on this--I haven't been on OGA as much the past month, and I forgot to check in. I've been kind of busy with some other graphical work, but I'd still like to give this a try sometime. I just haven't really had the chance.
Hi Redshrike,
Thanks for the update. No hurry at all.
Have a nice summer!
Best regards,
NPC women02
Woah :D
This is excellent work Anthony44. And as a bonus, two portraits done! Thank you so much for those :D
Here is how they are looking in game:
I do have a own preference for herth as the look is clearly matching the character's nature.
If you're accepting comments on your own work, I would have made the women 02 portrait look straight not down, and smile slightly, to make it more appealing. Ah, and maybe you should upload higher resolution portraits on OGA in case another game with higher needs would use it.
Yet, don't worry, I'll take it as is with no counter thoughts. ;)
Best regards and thanks again!
Looks like you have some interest in your work. Quick, negotiate a contract! Get something for all that hard work you're putting in! You deserve it! (you can't see me but I'm laughing and smiling but half way serious)
Eh eh ;)
Wow, nice. @Anthony44, you should negotiate. I am sure with the base models that you have shared you could make a lot more with some changes to the hair and adding or subtracting fat in the face and things like that. I wish we could use some of the models from (I know that's 3d) but still they make awesome models.
back on topic, would be gitting in a while and see if there is anything new playable (the chances are remote but still.)
Those portraits look pretty good! I really like the one of Hearth, but I feel like there are a couple of issues on the woman's portrait that should probably be touched on. I think the main thing is her eyes, which look slightly asymmetrical (giving her a somewhat dazed look). The frofile of her face is also a bit too sharp, and the hair feels like it could use some highlights. There are also a few rough brushtrokes here and there, though I'm sure you're aware of them. I did a quick edit to show what I mean.
Anyway, keep up the great work on those. I hope that you'll have time to make more.
Hehe, I just wanted to point out the same issues. Here's my version. Still good work Anthony44.
Hi :)
I've pushed Skorpio's version. Thanks a lot for the common work on it!!
Hehe, you nailed that, Skorpio. Top notch!
Well its to bad I reworked it also. I also did Orlinn. Bill I just was doing for fun only took about 30min.
any who I figured it would be a good brake from 3d stuff I always work on.
Lol love the tweaks thats why I love OGA.
Shirish I have the very first make human version its the one I like the most my first 3d stuff was done with. Now I do it all in blender.and sculptris gota love shrinkwrap! (Ogre animatiion was 8 obj. poses in the original make human)
Hi :D
/me is dancing with joy
More seriously, I do think you should gather all the portraits in one content thread, or make one per portrait and add all the Woman 02 variations in the same one.
Orlinn is looking really cool except for the eyes, which are completely green. I'd slightly some white around the iris, at least to his right eye.
That said, I cannot enough thank you today for the help given on this. :D
Best regards,
new1 NP Bertram I dont mind single 2d images are very easy
Heya :)
Here is how it is looking in game:
IMHO, The eyes are still quite like if Orlinn didn't sleep last night ^^!
Anyway, noce work done so far.
Best regards,
IMO Orlinn looks too serious and too old, if you look at the dialogues given to him and the way he acts, he looks like 4-5 year old but the portrait makes him look bigger. I also agree with Bertram about the eye bit but I guess we still take it :)
I guess you can plz some people some of the time. bla bla. kinda funny bert that no one wanted to help. Now wow. I do know what my next works gona be though. A big (troll)
Hi @Anthony44 :D
Thanks for all the work done on it and have fun on the big fearsome troll.
I must say I was really impressed by the latest redo of Orlinn!
Arf, I won't complain, you did all the main work, Redshrike offered his help and Skorpio and him even did improvements on your portraits.
All together, you really made it guys! :)
Have a nice Week-End everyone.
Hey, I worked a bit on the young Orlinn. Please don't laugh, my level compared to yours is insignificant ;)
The two things I've tried to fiw were to add some white on the eyes and some jade green on the iris.
and the bad part for me, make it so the portrait shows a bit of the body like for the other game portraits.
That was fun!
Best regards,
Thats not to bad Bert you just want to highlight your folds of the cloth abit and I think youl havit I agree with Reds and skorpios work was good.(thats why i like OGA others can help to) Females and children should use less shadding this has to do with less or (softer living) but on the other hand an NPC thats sofft and not very (to put it nice err- butch or worldly) might not make a very good NPC ps. Bert if you want me to tweak anything just ask.
Looking forward to the troll
disclaimer :- not an artist, just a gamer.
Hi :)
Well, that's not what I could call good but all the portraits are only cut on the bottom and that's what I tried to reproduce.
What I would ask is if you can add the clothes on the two others. If not, don't worry, I'll do something eventually.
Best regards, :)
Here you go Shirish 1 troll
wowee, looks awesome. Hope to see a full-fledged troll (2d) sometime soon. Looks great, although not really a classical troll but still great imagination. :)