Hammer "Skorpio 2"
Hammer "Skorpio 2"
Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 22:52
Art Type:
UV unwrapped, Diffuse, Normal and Specular maps packed into Blend file.
Based on this (http://opengameart.org/content/warhammer) concept art.

Is this licence wise ok?
It looks like games workshop warhammer hammer.
Can you be more specific and provide a link? Do they have only one hammer? Or every hammer out of hundreds of their concept art is protected by copyright? All basic hammers look alike and having a skull on the hammer head does not make it a replica of GW's hammers. I think it is perfectly alright to licence this model as it is.
I have recently seen ultramarine movie, so thats why it seemed familiar.
As I said: All hammers share many similarities. However I can clearly see quite a few differences (in the shape, the texture) between the one in the link and the one I uploaded.
You are right.
I remembered shape of the head differently. It seemed more similar in my head.