Multipile power req for a power
Multipile power req for a power
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - 15:02
Long story short, i cant seem to find any way of making one of my spells(power) requier 2 distinct powers, Picture related
Green is what ive done, however im trying to do the red arrows, Making two spells be requierments for one. Thanks for all the help, and feel free to ask me to upload my mod.
In the menus/powers.txt config file you can set multiple requries_power= lines. E.g.
I tried that but it didnt work, let me try again
It just overrides the first one, and uses the second one, ive also already tried with requires_power=1,3
Works for me on the dev build. Both required powers show up on the tooltip as Red. And I have to unlock those required powers before I can unlock the last one.
Are you doing this under the v0.18 release? If so maybe it was fixed since then.
I downloaded the game like 3-4 days ago im on 0.18 trying out some things now, just changed my HP/Mana/XP bar uploading it to github in abit
Ive looked for abit and i cant find something that recently been updated, im prolly missing something, do you have any idea where the root of this issue might be?
Seems like i found the problem, going to try to fix it later thanks anyway
The feature was added to the engine two months ago, during v0.19 development:
This pull request is named "Handle multiple occurrences of requires_power".
So it won't work in v0.18. You can try building v0.19 build or just wait for a couple weeks for us to release v0.19.
Thank you alot, im going to compile it with the newest of everything asap i get to reformat my computer, Gnu/Linux inc :3 recently had to change compy to a windows box but not for long!