Orbs w/o drop shadows
Orbs w/o drop shadows
Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 17:17
Art Type:
I was asked to re-realease the orbs without drop shadows, I apoligize for any problems this may have caused people who were trying to use them.

Beautiful, thank you so much! I'll be sure to make something nice with them.
You're welcome, I'm glad they'll help you out!
amazing work. Thanks, it's perfect for my use
would appreciate it if you made the orbs seperate pngs so i didnt have to do too much photoshop but i mean this was made 10 years ago so you probably forgot you even owned this account (anyways really good orbs 8.5/10)
@boredom you can use GIMP to cut those. It's free and in some cases even easier to use than Photoshop.
Just use "rectangle selection" roughtly around a ball, then "image -> crop to selection" and then "image -> crop to content" to make it perfectly fit the ball.