Looking for 2D pixel artist backgrounds/sprites/animations/UI
Looking for 2D pixel artist backgrounds/sprites/animations/UI
Hello all artists out there.
I'm Chris, and I'm looking for any hobbyist or other artists to pitch in and help me and my team out. I need pixel art, like something from zelda, but with a darker, more realistic twist.
Project and Team:
I currently have quite a small team, but we have more people coming soon to work on our project. Our project is Project Ultimate Immersion. We plan to make not just another fantasy game, but one where the player can do nearly anything in the game world. It will be truly ambitous, but short indeed. Like I said, the game isn't going to be some saga, rather a shorter, more concise experiment to see how immersive we can make a pixel game. Our only problem is art. I have knowledge of scripting and am a talented writer, the rest of my team can playtest, write, are still grasping script basics, ect., but we don't have an artist. So here I am, sending my request out into the see of other requests.
What I Need:
The game is going to be a several-leveled, immersive, RPG, running on the Adventure Game Studio Engine. The plot is about a hero who can be who they choose based on their actions. Their actions and dialouge choices will determine their class, factions, ideals, skills, just as it would in reality. The setting is a realistic medeival fantasy world, with minimal magic and more focus on politics and war. ( Think Skyrim rather than Oblivion or Final Fantasy except without the nordic flare.) I am still working out the levels and mission design and this game is in early development. I'm not expecting immediate art submissions or anything, but if you're interested in being a part of this in the near future,( Upcoming weeks) than you can send me a demo piece and an email at chrispsheehy@gmail.com. If you do make a demo piece, it doesnt have to be big and detailed, but I'd optimally like to see a castle, fort, or sprites of a knight, mage or ranger.
Once again, my email address is chrispsheehy@gmail.com. As I get the levels and writing pieced together, I will send a link to a demo of the game with crappy backgrounds, but complete dialouge and gameplay so you can get a feel for it.
Thank you for reading! :) Please send something in!
One more thing I forgot to mention. Try to add a kind of celtic feel to the demo or if you arent going to create one, thats fine.
SOMETHING IMPORTANT. Unless we feel very proud of our work and get some great art, this will be an open source, free game. If the game goes on Steam or something and starts making substantial profit, we can discuss profit.
I think you may be underestimating the scope of asset requirements for a project like this. But for future reference, suggesting a style like legend of zelda but darker and grittier isn't very helpful, since loz's visual style is kind of defined by its brighter and more cartoony aesthetic, at least in the pixel art games (it's a bit like saying 'like Legend of Zelda, except completely different). A more direct comp would help people a lot more. Things like perspective and resolution are also pretty vital.
Yeah I was using that example beacause it was the only medieval fantasy game I could think of. Forgive me, I did not mean to imply it should be Zelda. The style is grounded, realistic, celtic. For example, if you look a pictures of Ireland and the surrounding area, there are lush forests and grasslands blanketed in mist and fog, along with stone forts and castles dotting the landscape. I don't want the art to be cartoony, or cheery, nor do I want it to be evil and twisted(Sauron's tower from LOTR.) I just want to give the castles and spirtes a style that says they live in a tough time, similar to the dark ages.
Sorry for the misunderstanding and again, this is just a request to see if theres anyone out there who could keep their eyes on this until we have our demo complete and a link to it on this post. You don't have to go making like 20 castle backgrounds or anything. If you do have any ideas or suggestions for assets to draw inspiration from, leave a link in the comments. It could be any resoloution, as we are still in pre dev and still writing the levels, ect. and we don't know what our res will be yet. Our perspective will stay like this most of the time. http://www.pixeljoint.com/pixelart/39173.htm
Sometimes it will change into something like this: http://rebloggy.com/post/pixel-art-background-lost-source/27593875630
this site have something what you need, www.brushcity.com