Tips And Advice For Me and Other Devolpers
Tips And Advice For Me and Other Devolpers
Im making a horror game and an open world zombie survival, id like some tips and advice since im unexperienced, you can post any advice in any form or way or advice for any topic, thanks.
Okay, if you've never made a game before, I do have some advice that's always appropriate:
Also, whatever you do, make a game you'd like to play yourself. Don't think of a generic audience, think of yourself. If you like the result, other players will, too. Besides, you're going to playtest your own game again and again, until you're sick and tired of it. If you don't even like it, how will you find the will to persist?
Thankyou. Im already at the tech demo stage on my open world zombie survival and its most definitely not the first. Im just not too experienced with 3d games (made tons on game maker asa kid) that is some very good advice, but i think that sscaling back my scope isnt the way i am cx. Thankyou very much.
it is a good idea to search for some other people to help you with the game.
for example one is good in programming, another one can do good graphics, also planning the game is a part for itself.
i planned a 3d platformer game like supermario 3d land/ world with the BGE.
but before i start this, i begin with a smaller game, that does not need so much game logic (more game logic = more programming), graphics.
i do this, because i am a beginner with 3d games too.
another reason for this is, that the bge is not so powerful at the moment but it is getting better. so i can wait a bit.
with my smaller game i can learn a bit more about the BGE and how to use, i can set up a simple character to make a playable game out of it.
later i want to concentrate on planning (which features to be added) and a bit on graphics (gimp, blender) and search help for other things like programming or sounds)
this helps if the game gets bigger and more complicated with a lot of features.
Well because of my age i cant really hire anyone and i dont know anyone that would want to work with me for free. So i do just have to bare with doing it all myself. Im able to do mostly everything but some things i lack proficiency in such as rigging and programming. But i guess i can worry about that when i get to those points where i require them
Thankyou for the advice