comat game needs art to finish
comat game needs art to finish
Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 14:15 I am giving away my game for free! So I hope you will join me with free art? Its a turnbased topdown fun wargame about unarmed combat, the idea is to dominate the board, I was thinking ninjas or brawlers. Love some new modules for it. I'm on a cheap phone as I'm offline but with some effort I can upload new version to you, the online version has been put online by a kind wargamer 1MB its for PC but I also have a mac version. Will you help?
should mention no money or pay, its a free prject
new udate new and finished pdate
Upload the source to or and provide some screenshots and you'll get a warmer reception. Just posting a file for download, people will ignore that (could be anything).
Thanks for the advice! I think people have forgot how hard it is to be a developer with no money. I challenge 1 person to have a go of the game and give a review, if there a wargamer they will like it! Anyway if its good should catch on somewhere :)
So i played it mainsworthy, i can see you have put in a great deal of effort. That said, it was not at all clear what i was meant to do. There was no introduction, no training, no explanation of the game mechanics. I was unsure what the difference between units was, nor what was happening at any given moment. I'd suggest that a simple training mission and some kind of event log would help a lot.
I have attached the backdrop image so others can have an idea of what to expect
Thanks for helo, all I can ask is honest views. Thanks for putting up the picture. I should of put a tutorial thanks. I am a wargamer and done a wargame , it dosnt apeal to all. I will improve the because of you thanks, the game is gemeric so may see objectiveless, domination is the only win. kind wrgamer hostted the game
I looked at your review again and I think it a little unfair, all the things you say were not clear are in the small help file , and there are only 2 colors of units yours and the computer. I've just added a screenshot showing the action rather than a blank map from the graphics folder. I do thank you for doing your review but you should have read the help file I think
eh, that screenshot actually looks interesting. will check it out in the evening.
thanks Smonos, make your you get the v24 thanks
Hey there, I'm bored of doing work so here's an attempt at a new map.
If you use this you need to credit 'Kaschte' as the tree models are his which he released under CC-BY-SA 3.0 which means I need to release it by the same license, I'm not too fussed about the attribution part tbh but if you want to credit me you can do so as "Scribe" or "Daniel Stephens"!
Attribution notice:
CC-BY-SA 3.0
Credit Kaschte for the trees
Credit me as Scribe or Daniel Stephens
thanks looks great! can understand giving credit, but what do have to do regarding a licennce?
Derivative works made with this have to be released as CC-BY-SA as well, normally however code and art are licensed separately, so it would simply be that if you make a change to this image, you must release the change under the CC-BY-SA license and credit kashte and myself.
If you want I can remove the trees and then it can be released as CC0 (public domain)
do just put your usernames in a text file stateing you did the map? new to copywrite so please forgive a noob? also haveing problems downloading on my phone can you zip it up? please include image with and withouit trees, isorry to put you to to much touble after your good enough to do the map. offline except for a cheap phone
Hey there!
You can do it several ways, the common are to have a CREDITS.TXT file where you could just have something like the following:
//Some information about your game license here
background map (local path to the file here)
This work is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (see CC).
For more information visit
This image includes models by:
Kaschte - trees - CC-BY-SA 3.0
Daniel Stephens - map and buildings - CC-BY-SA 3.0
Alternatively if you ever have a main menu, you could have a button for 'credits' and put similar information there!
Aparently I can't upload the zip to OGA but you should be able to get it from my dropbox: here
That should have both the versions you asked for, if you only use the version without trees then you can use it as CC0 so don't worry about credit! :)
that is fantastic! hankyou so so much, will put credits in. thanks for expaining and zipping
scribe been playing the game with the great new maps, but the units look to odd to go with the map, can be realy cheeky and ak for some unit art that fits in with the maps? there just 3 20x20 pixel chits repeated, was hopeing for heads or something? know you have done already and be upset if you do not wnto ?
Hey mainsworthy,
I am also working on a strategy game, perhaps some of the graphics from the game will be of use to you. Here is the link to the graphics which I posted on this site:
There are also a few new graphics which I haven't posted here yet, but which can be found in the game's GitHub:
All of these were released under the GPL 2.0 license. You can see who did each of the graphics here:
Thanks! They look great! Thanks guys this is a great site :)