I need a Tileset Designer
I need a Tileset Designer
Monday, December 8, 2014 - 11:18
I need a designer for a map with Tiled Map Editor format (tmx). I'm developing a strategy online game with MelonJS for web browsers. It's about ants wars. Each player controls an anthill and fights against other players for control of map.
I need 4-10 tiles for example about: own anthill, rival anthill, decoration tiles (ground, grass, stones)...
More info Bukosabino@gmail.com
Thank you.
I could have a look at your problem. Are you offering payment?
Yes, I'm offering payment. You can to send me a estimate/budget.
Sorry for my limited English.
Don't worry about payment at this stage. If it's only a small job, I'll do it for free.
Send me some images and I will convert them into a tileset at no charge. Then if you really like my work, maybe you could hire me to work on a larger project.
Ok Wayland, but I don't have any images about anthills, grass or stones...
I would like the designer is free to create the map with simple tiles.
I think you need an artist to design some images for you, which is not my field. I simply take images and incorporate them into game coding.
I'm sorry that I couldn't be of any help in this regard.
I highly recommend you post this in this section of the forums http://opengameart.org/forums/resource-requests maybe you will have a better chance of finding someone.
<center> comming soon </center>