Weekly Challenge: Flight (due July 5th)
Weekly Challenge: Flight (due July 5th)
The weekly challenge due Monday, July 5th is "Flight"!
There are many ways to tackle this challenge. For 2D/3D art, think of flying creatures (ancient, mundane, fantasy, sci-fi), flying crafts (biplanes, jets, space ships), and weird stuff (derigibles, orinthopters, airships).
For sounds, think of all the sound effects the above objects might need. We could even use lots of mundane sounds like wings flapping, bird calls, wind, etc.
Music is wide open for inspiration.
Good luck all!
- Tag your entries: Weekly Challenge, Flight
- http://opengameart.org/category/art-tags/flight
Thanks to all who entered!
To vote, "Add to Favorites" on the ones that are actually your favorite! http://opengameart.org/category/art-tags/flight
Ahh.. well I actually finally planned to submit something for this contest. But I missed the deadline :(
Na doesn't matter.... was an old "refurbished" model anyways, so it might have been a bit unfair to submit.
But I will upload it in the next few days!