Weekly Challenge: Treasure (due Aug 30th)
Weekly Challenge: Treasure (due Aug 30th)
This week's Weekly Challenge is Treasure.
Here's some examples:
- Collectables in platformer games (Mario coins, Sonic rings)
- Piles of gold bars or coins
- Useless but cool looking relics that count towards game achievements (e.g. Uncharted 2)
- Sound effects for collecting these items
- Music for a treasure vault
- Fanfare for collecting a new item (like in Zelda)
Tag your entries "Weekly Challenge, Treasure, ..."
Hey pfunked, can you re-link your blender template file for OSARE?
Bart, the Blender files on this entry should have what you need.
Posted my entry for this challenge
A pile of gold. Most of the work went into creating the node-based texture.
...and some piles of gold coins, rendered in Blender.
Voting Time! http://opengameart.org/category/art-tags/treasure
(note: "Fantay Items Set" and "Take from the rich" are older entries with the tag "treasure" so don't count to this challenge)