301 FREE 2D UI Sprites for game engine use. - BlueGlowUp - Copy (3).png
301 FREE 2D UI Sprites for game engine use. - BlueGlowUp - Copy (3).png
2D UI Sprite Pack by Soloflare Interactive Ltd (2015)
SVG SOURCE FILES NOW AVAILABLE @ http://soloflare.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/assetpack1.html
This is a 2D UI sprite pack created specifically for Visual Novels and any other type of games (2D or 3D).
Purpose: This sprite pack adds a significant variety of multi-coloured 2D assets to your library, ensuring you spend less time doing the manual design chores. These assets have been optimized to ensure that they're ready to use immediately.
Feeling creative ? Then don't hesitate to mix 'n' match the various sprites provided in this 2D UI Sprite Pack.
Total Number of Sprites: 301
Format: PNG
Asset types: Say Boxes (Opaque + Transparent), Continue Icons (Up, Right, Left, Down), Game Pad (Up, Right, Left Down + Circle button).
States: Normal + Pressed (except say boxes).
1) License ? https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
2) How to attribute ? " 2D UI pack courtesy of Soloflare Designs Ltd http://soloflare.blogspot.com . CC BY 3.0. "
3) Why isn't this on an asset store ? I honestly don't know. Haven't gotten around to doing that.
4) What's up with the file naming? ? I don't know. I did put everything in separate folders to make it extremely easy for
you though. This means you can rename, copy and paste it over the local folder of the asset you intend to replace. You
could even use a batch renamer if you wish.
5) Do you provide customer support for the free asset pack ? No.
Need to create custom UI assets ?
Then please visit http://soloflare.blogspot.com and use the 'Contact Us' box to the right sidebar of the blog. I will get
back to you within 24 hours of receiving your request.
Happy Dev'n
Soloflare Interactive Ltd (2015)
Twitter: @soloflareint