svn r358 and teleport bug
svn r358 and teleport bug
Monday, April 25, 2011 - 10:14
Hi, I've just compiled from svn r358 and while playing I've found a bug; the teleport script sends you in the black/dark matter ;) and you can not get back in the playable field/course. I've used all the 3 teleport that I had and everytime it sends me to the dark region of the game/ outside the walls. hope it will be fixed for the svn release. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 if that changes anything. Also how do i compile an exe for windows from the svn releases under linux ? jorge
Teleport should send you to wherever the cursor is.
Right now there's a "bug" that allows the player to warp into empty space between walls. I'll have this fixed soon, in time for the pending v0.13 release.
Try r359, all that empty space should be closed off now.
ok it works as it should. thanks for r359