Tiled Map Creator Needed

Tiled Map Creator Needed

Hey guys! I am in need of someone that can create some great looking maps in tiled. I will supply the tileset image (it's actually several tilesets in one image). I am looking for people with an artistic eye that can create map layouts. Please send me a message here on OGA, or my email: WombatTurkey (at) gmail.com

I will reply with a download link to our Map Creation Kit (via dropbox):


It includes some information about our map data and a default sample of a map.  It's vital you read through it and read the Important Information part.


Map Size Prices:

  1.  125x125 Map Dimension (Which is 4000x4000) -- 10.00$ USD Paypal only, I pay the transfer fee. (This is ideal for Towns / Large Dungeons)
  2.  60x60 Map Dimension (Which is 1920x1920) -- 5.00$ USD Paypal only, I pay the transfer fee. (This is ideal for Mini Dungeons / Small Towns)



  1. Don't post the exported JSON in this thread!
  2. Please try to send me screenshots of what you are creating so I know if I like it, and if I don't respond, you should stop working on it. (Sorry). (You can send me notes on OGA, or by email)
  3. If I respond and like the layout and what you have created, I will ask for your paypal address and the JSON exported file. Then, I will send the funds!
  4. If you decide to use your own tileset with artwork that I can use commercially (CC 3.0, or Public Domain) -- through attribution; I will add 0.10c per extra tile used (32x32) to the final price.


**Edit:** If you want your name to be at the end of our game credits for map design, just simply tell me!