Collaboration - 2d fantasy RTS
Collaboration - 2d fantasy RTS
Monday, November 7, 2016 - 12:47
I am currently working on 2d fantasy RTS, based on the classics from golden era of rts games ;)
And the amount of work is starting to be overwhelming, so i am looking for people who are willing to collaborate, be it with ideas, art, voice-overs, writers, or just keeping the web up-to-date ( which is now in bit poor state, due to lack of time to write articles )
see the game and some videos here
Very shortly I will have my first level finished, and from that point on I assume the workload will grow ( hoping actually )
Any help will be appreciated. Cheers!
I might be able to help you somewhat with background music or sound effects.
If you're interested, just send me a mail:
Good luck!
Your game seems cool enough (Love me some ´RTS'es), however I am unsure if I am really able to help you, looking at the game's art style, it's a fair bit beyond my reach to draw something like that, so to speak. I can also do some music and stuff, though. You can check out my art and music here on this site. As for coding, I'd be totally useless.
Just send an email to if you think I'd be useful, and are interested.
If you need any help regarding programming, web/game/databases/game launchers, send me a message.
Looks great! :)