Game Concept: Lotto Winner
Game Concept: Lotto Winner
Silly game idea I had a few weeks ago.
Imagine a game where you start by winning the Lotto. You have to manage your Money and Happiness against random encounters.
It could be simple and turn-based. Each turn is a random encounter.
Example random encounters:
- IRS letter says you owe taxes! (cheaper if you already bought an Accountant!)
- Distant family member wants money! (you can turn him down, but...)
- Distant family member wants revenge! (hope you already bought a Bodyguard! or...)
- Distant family member wants to sue! (settle out of court? or hire a Lawyer?)
- Charity worker wants money! (could give good Happiness; is it worth the money?)
- Commercial for a Sports Car! (hope you're not addicted to Cars)
- Throw a drug party? (high happiness, high addiction, chance of cops next turn, etc)
- Shopping day to store X! (Accept for happiness, Reject for tiny happiness penalty or to avoid addiciton)
- Investment opportunity! (possible payoff later)
- Cheesy Local Lawyer Commercial! (he's expensive, but it might help later)
- Marriage suitor! (Expensive! High happiness! If you have a Lawyer, you can sign a prenup)
Buying items temporarily raises your Happiness meter. But if you buy the same item too many times you get Addicted, and you now auto-buy that item at every opportunity.
Most encounters you at least get to Accept/Reject. Some will have different options if you've hired help (e.g. Lawyer, Accountant, Bodyguard).
If your happiness reaches 0, game over.If your money reaches 0, game over.
So, here's a question (no right answer, I'm just curious)
Is the game intended to be winnable? :)
If not, it would be an interesting artistic vehicle. It wouldn't be the first un-winnable game written specifically to make a point.
Hm. I guess the game ends eventually? Can't keep happiness and money up forever. Eventually you'd be addicted to each class of item.