Looking for a 2d artist !
Looking for a 2d artist !
Monday, November 28, 2016 - 04:48
Hello guys,
I have been planning on doing a game like Super Pang (If you have never heard of it here is a youtube link to it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOicdUSoa-E) for a long time and now I have finally the time to make it.
Super Pang is a really cool game from the 90's, its a fast action arcade game.
Im going to use Unity to make it. However, I am the worst when it comes to art. So it would be very nice to find someone to make this project with. I am very open about ideas and just want to have a fun time developing it !
So if you are interested please contact me at hilbilijim@hotmail.com or just reply to this post !
if its not going to be pixel art i cant help
Hello sufan02,
I have already a prototype of the game.
If you give me your mail address, I can send it to you (Only windows at the moment)
and you can tell me if you are interested !
thanks for your reply
I have sent you an email.