Where can I learn Game Art
Where can I learn Game Art
Hello everyone,
I want to learn make graphics for a videogame. I dont really know where to start so I guess I am at the right forum to ask you how it would be good to start. I am already advanced with photoshop cc and I know the most of these tools, so I started a few weeks before with painting some simple pictures which I will put in the Attachments (these are my first one's so don't be sad if they are bad :D).
I very like Games, so I want to learn how to make a part of them myself, I think I wanna start with PixelArt or something... how would you start?
Thanks for answering :D
Good bye,
- Michael ( NichtWarten)
Your drawings are not bad, to my untrained eye they just seem in need of a bit of polish; sadly this is not the page for you to learn more, you will have to head to some other forum.
I dont do 2d art but i like this sites to learn:
https://cgcookie.com/ they have a lot of tutorials about 3d and 2d and pixel art.
i dont have more. but you can learn.
Try making modifications and extensions of existing art. There are plenty of really good, but incomplete pieces on here.
And try to find or make a project to work on, something where the goal is well defined. You can make cool looking art all day, but if none of it ends up being of practical use to anyone then you are wasting your time.
Stay a while and listen.
Have you tried this mobilegamegraphics.com w also have a video tutorials in every pixel arts.
Game Graphics | Game Assets| Pixel Art | Background | Tools | Tutorial
opengameart itself hosts many good tutorials: