Looking for good site to upload remixes without the competetive element
Looking for good site to upload remixes without the competetive element
So as some of you know, I compose a lot of original tunes here for OGA. While I love the community here I also produce remixes of game songs and other themes which cannot be uploaded here due to the policies of the site.
Therefore I'm looking for a site to upload these onto. But with a catch. I've already tried using both YouTube and SoundCloud, but it really stresses me out that both of these platforms are so fiercely competetive. c64Remix and AmigaRemix are also only about ratings and which song is better than the other. That's really not what I'm looking for.
Do any of you know what I mean, and would you happen to know a site where the community is as accepting and non competetive as here, but with remixes also allowed?
So far I'm uploading to YT with the comments disabled.
And this could easily bring me on a long rant about how maniacally western society and the internet culture is obsessed with "being the best".... or , "good" or "successful" and I really hate it so much, I mean why is this the freaking only thing that matters in art anymore, or in life
I think it is more a reflection of how music is today...it is so much easier now to produce music than it was 15 years ago--a lot more people are making music on their computers--so people need to compete to get noticed. I totally agree that it's bs though, I don't get why a song needs to be judged as better than others or not because that just narrows the field as far as creativity. I'm not really a competitive person, I more just find making music a relaxing exercise and I'd rather share it than let it sit on my harddrive. To answer your question, I don't know of any websites like the one you are describing :/ . I've dabbled in remixing songs but never really completely finished a remix.
TBH I enter the OGA competitions because I really want the community to get into it. It hasn't totally caught on but I see it more as an opportunity for the site to generate more free assets of a specific theme. With OGA at least the game devs in need of assets benefit too.
I'd love to check out your remixes, you have a link?
Yeah this is really the only site I know of which isn't competetive like that.
But yeah this thing about "good or bad" really permeates into all areas of society. A lot of people judge eveything in a really binary way where something is either the best thing ever or complete shit.
This is my youtube channel which is only used for remixes. I'm honored that you show interest like this. ^^