Feature Request: Markdown Support
Feature Request: Markdown Support
Within the last year, the Markdown language has become increasingly appealing to me. I love its simplicity & how easy it is to edit. I don't know how popular it would be among the OGA community, but I personally would find it a great improvement to be able to write my submission descriptions in Markdown. The current rich text format is decent, but I find myself quite often switching to raw HTML to create/edit my submissions. I think Markdown would make a good addition, at least as an alternative to rich text & HTML editing.
I've never used Markdown, but looking at that wikipedia article, it hardly seems any different from HTML, to be honest.
I'd be interested in this as well. I'd also like to use markdown for forums and the art submission credits page. Imagine having a table with preview thumbnails when you credit the artists whose work you've used.
Many popular sites, including software or source code hosting & social media sites, such as GitHub, SourceForge, Reddit, alternativeTo.net, & Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow, have all integrated Markdown in some form or another. In my opinion, it has become the most popular auxiliary language (if that is an appropriate term). I wish that forums used it.
Edit: Apparently Wordpress supports Markdown as well.