Fantasy Music Composer Wanted

Fantasy Music Composer Wanted

Corey Archer's picture

NOTICE: This role is non paid. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE! My name is Corey Archer. I am a member of a small game studio named Blue Flame Studios. We here a BFS are working on a fantasy game codename "Project_M" as a music composer myself I know that it takes time and effort into making nice sounding music. However working on all the music for the game myself is causing a lot of stress and so we decided to look for other composers to help. I wish I could pay for people to help but I have no money and this game is my hobby project. It was hard to find studio members willing to work on it. When I asked them why they agreed they all responded with "This project as potential and I'd be glad to see it succeed." the style of music we are using is Zelda, Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls inspired. If you are willing to join or want to know more P.M me and I'll get back to you.