250 Modern Uniform and Armor Textures (UFO:AI) - body_jungle1.jpg
250 Modern Uniform and Armor Textures (UFO:AI) - body_jungle1.jpg
This pack contains ~250 soldier skins originally created for UFO:AI, they are based off the work of Lukas "Rastaman" Beyeler
who released his textures under GPL2 as I am doing. The original skins and the models they are for are available from the UFO:AI project under GPL2 licencing.
All the .md2 model files and the original source textures are here:
The idea of this pack is to provide players with the ability to kit out squads of soldiers in environment specific uniforms without all the units looking exactly the same.
This pack is designed to work with this head texture pack:
Along side this civilian texture pack:
And with this Weapon texture pack:
The breakdown of uniform types is:
Female (108 total)
Uniform (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Light Armor (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Advanced Light Armor (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
36 total
Male (144 total):
Uniforms (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Light Armor (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Advanced Light Armor (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Hybrid Alien Armor (36 total):
9 arctic camo uniforms
9 desert camo uniforms
9 jungle camo uniforms
9 urban camo uniforms
Why 9 of each? - There was already 1 of each in UFO:AI, so this pack was created to bring it up to 10 of each.
Why is there no female Alien Hybrid Armor? - They required a lot more work than the male version, I might work on them eventually, if I do I'll upload them here too.
What about the heavier armors, like medium and power armor? - Again, its a lot more work than these were, plus those armors aren't released in game yet and their models may not be final, so I thought I'd wait before working on them. If I do eventually do them I will release them here.
Why do the armors warrant an entire other skin, rather than just using an overlay or extra model? - No Idea, you'd have to ask some of the devs for UFO:AI.
As always, if you use these I'd love to know, its not mandatory but its always nice to see your work in the wild.