environment design modules? +animation +long threads
environment design modules? +animation +long threads
Thursday, August 15, 2019 - 10:19
so i have been watching let's play and wondering, "how do they make those environment, characters, animations, music"
especially environment and characters...since, objects.
all i know is bars and cables, bars and cables.
How much of modules are considered enough for a set of time/duration of a gameplay?
edit: this has somehow expanded so far into other things.
So, basically i was trained in animation, and my interest was more in the character illustration stuff, than mechanical softwares like maya.
But i also like games, comics, and being able to draw a whole lots of things to make a scene, playable.
So supposedly, what makes the character and environment connects together?
Bumping this with links i use to.
Need all the knowledge i can get.
So yeah, um, i really really like getting random answers from random people. Live. More correct.
But getting the right answer yourself, is also quite something.
Opengameart is quite beautiful, like rpgmaker.net. Even substantially faster and has nice engines.
Now, where was i...
Okay, trying to draw 3D design of a game, made of scene, levels, frames, or panels. Modularly.
The modules, are technically architectural...
made of a set of tools or elements. Arches, bridges, walls, floors. Each belong to their own directions and facing angles. And then, have their own patterns, forms, which i don't know the, guiding parameters of it.
I wonder where should i be looking at
or what should i be looking for
Asking what is the module of game design would show a list of game design school "modules"
"what is the module of game environment do?" is also the wrong question
but there is this pdf https://static1.squarespace.com/static/574e757260b5e93b27fb18ac/t/5b4804012b6a286d041b6fc9/1531446278799/BraidenFenech_ApproachesToModularConstructionForReal-timeGameEnvironments.pdf
of which makes me happy with its, pictorials and images and screenshots but, i don't know which sentence i should be looking for as the right answer i guess.
or even, "how to look for the right answer, happily and exitedly"
i should try and google that.
They say there is the reading way we call "scanning" vs "skimming"
i wonder if i have been skimming too much or scanning or...
idk. it's boring and painful to the brain and the heart and the, disappointment.
2 fast 2 furious?
Just watched this trailer of a new game and...totally installed it as another of my wishlist of making
Okay, there's alot of resources and alot of solutions but... which one is the best? if not the more suitable and most successful, lucrative options?
To categorize it, the element of any environment in space is either goes up, down, or straight,
making any things either walls, stairs, floor or roof, ceiling.
While the wording seems to be sky clear, the visuals are not very easy, or game compliant, or story compliant or animation compliant.
The patterns are infinite.
And games or anything as a product, has a finite end to it. Of sort.
Okay, came across these two articles, especially since they are, about, visual appeals and modular sets.
The modules i am looking for are to be game, story, animation compliant. While also being visually appealling... to me, at least.
So to say.
The elements are to be, uniformly unique and aesthetically pleasing, but also based on game, story and animations... a scene of it.
A game at its core, is, about gathering points. Outside of that is all graphic engineering, graphic arts, simulation, world engine, environment simulation...name it.
Never played that much of tabletop games but,
Is it not the miniature of world itself?
Modular Environment Design.rar (12 MB) - by Kevin Johnstone. East Coast Game Conference 2011 slides of the talk "Modular Environment Design, Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the grid". More workflow explained in the threads Lack of Environment Artists, Gears2 Environment Art and Gears2 Environment Art Step by Step (ZBrush Central).
"Stop worrying and love the grid"
I'm not worried, but my heart is aching and my thoughts are unclear, unable to define the issue at hand and mobilized to work.
So, i am mostly at a lost here since the module of environment is not of characters...
And a game, or an environment rely alot on the objects and the properties around it....
While characters rely on...having the look for it, rather than how it reacts to the environment.
i'm hungry
i mean, i am craving
for chickens
meat love
Tiling characters and environment by using repetition of elements. equally.
So, i've been stashing arts as references from the artist i know...I have become very dependent on them especially since they are...really beautiful to look at and i could never make one that competes theirs.
The goal is to make games that are, of that natural beauty?
I think i am addicted.
You could say, the module of design i need, needs to be...
self-supporting...and true to "life"
Watched abit of lion king: lionsguard and, you could say that is one kind of a rig
I mean, it's really neat.
How do they make those rig look so, handdrawn?
I'd like to experiment but i'd love if it's not all over the place and as efficient as possible.
My heart is racing so fast i wish it pops up right away.
Sad part about video games too is that, it is technically an animation on its own.
So...kept remembering mangaka often says not to share their work without permission...is that commercially or?
But anyway, i also don't want to, keep using their stuffs.
there's never enough controls to play everything?
With internet, my heart just races because there's so much good things to use as references.
So amazing and beautiful youtube.com/watch?v=gGedwidN8vw
FOund some really nice rigging things...that's the term right?Putting together pieces of things and have them move within the range of actions?
Are there rig types?
Very hard to get out from your references and be an independent artist.
Especially if your capacity as an artist is...not very fulfilling.
another amazing tools, impostor billboarding
Hoo boy...
how do you plan all the stuff that will appear inside a game?
The bestiary?
How to design a JRPG?
Lots to read but which one is the most correct? Best seller? Bestest?
Lots of modules, instruments, objects...
game, especially JRPG, has alot of names.
This tools, this objects...
Icons, places, maps... every single "characters" play important ideas inside a game.
walking animation is still foreign to me
which walking animation is the, most correct?
All the good stuff i enjoy....
there's just endless surge of good content!
so manny good stuff
oh well...it's past already.
So much expectations...
oh well
Another really cool awesome gallery!
With flying there's no question of collission, and i keep wondering what's the best collission method for 3d environment....
Another beautiful rig
How is it planned?? what is the sprites?
Wow this is scary tho... coming from the same studio
Seems like a hard question as always.
While browsing tutorials and general idea of toon boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ypC2bDiocQ
Kyubumlee http://sqetches.blogspot.com/
The only bum!
My heart aches, look at this spelunking of his sprites!
Mustnt. surf. anymore.
everytime is see good new art,
and dokidoki
even inventing is a sport i guess
So many things to study and consider closed :/
epic battle / epic rig
Another good stuff.
How are they rigged??
So... due to toxoplasm and its inherently unclear nature...
my neighbor has developed a stigma to cats of its health benefits and predatorial nature...
Compared to dogs, which are popular and trainable.
Especially that dogs have bigger jaws.
And bites harder...
Things that gives me heart attack:
1. death note
They're like cats but it's actually (pun here).
more heart attacks, coronary viruses
SO many!
I wish i never exists.
Or maybe even exist as the heart-attackists.