Don't worry about payment at this stage. If it's only a small job, I'll do it for free.
Send me some images and I will convert them into a tileset at no charge. Then if you really like my work, maybe you could hire me to work on a larger project.
The mod doesn't work for Linux versions 0.18 or 0.19. This seems to be because of the way maps are referenced. maps/fern_valley.txt, instead of just fern_valley.txt on the map files.
Here are some screenshots of some maps I made using the Map Generator. I could send these maps to anyone who is interested. I also created some new enemies, such as the Red Antlion, who burrow out of the ground and appear in swarms.
Don't worry about payment at this stage. If it's only a small job, I'll do it for free.
Send me some images and I will convert them into a tileset at no charge. Then if you really like my work, maybe you could hire me to work on a larger project.
I could have a look at your problem. Are you offering payment?
I have made a new post that has a link to a Flare 0.19 download.
I could send you a modded version of Flare 0.19 for Ubuntu that has a few extra levels. Or do you want Flare 0.19 without any modifications?
The mod doesn't work for Linux versions 0.18 or 0.19. This seems to be because of the way maps are referenced. maps/fern_valley.txt, instead of just fern_valley.txt on the map files.
Here are some screenshots of some maps I made using the Map Generator. I could send these maps to anyone who is interested. I also created some new enemies, such as the Red Antlion, who burrow out of the ground and appear in swarms.
River Barrow
Valley Grove