Well! I took a long time to respond, so to make up for it, i have 24 cars for you! all top-down, 12 vertically and 12 horizontally! They may need more editting to be perfect, but they're ok for now I guess.
Well, i'm still not an artist, and i wasn't sure what perspective you wanted anything in, but heres three blown up cars. If they're too small I can enlarge them.
Now, i'm pretty bad with pictures and animation, but I made his little arms move a bit. Its really nothing special... at all... but he moves. Its in a .gif format, if thats ok. I removed the borders to it so its exactly 32x32 pixels. Good luck using this for whatever.
Well! I took a long time to respond, so to make up for it, i have 24 cars for you! all top-down, 12 vertically and 12 horizontally! They may need more editting to be perfect, but they're ok for now I guess.
Download the .zip here: http://db.tt/0iccGrtT
Well, i'm still not an artist, and i wasn't sure what perspective you wanted anything in, but heres three blown up cars. If they're too small I can enlarge them.
Do you need it to look different? I could edit it for you.
Its pretty bad, honestly, but it does move, so i guess thats a plus. Photoshop's puppet warp can really come in handy sometimes ;)
Now, i'm pretty bad with pictures and animation, but I made his little arms move a bit. Its really nothing special... at all... but he moves. Its in a .gif format, if thats ok. I removed the borders to it so its exactly 32x32 pixels. Good luck using this for whatever.