good idea going double scale. It looks like there'll be several png versions of this stuff scattered around the net by the time all is said and done. I may cease activity unless I figure out how to get them into .svg
I'm working on a script to export images from the .fla files to .png. I think I can probably export them as .fxg also but that's not very useful if it can't be converted into .svg
WOW! this is an insane amount of art and I'm sure it will be tremendously useful to a lot of people. No idea how I'm going to comb through this but I can't wait! Thank you so much for this contribution.
Awesome!!! are you planning on converting the rest of the glitch assets to svg?
good idea going double scale. It looks like there'll be several png versions of this stuff scattered around the net by the time all is said and done. I may cease activity unless I figure out how to get them into .svg
I'm working on a script to export images from the .fla files to .png. I think I can probably export them as .fxg also but that's not very useful if it can't be converted into .svg
WOW! this is an insane amount of art and I'm sure it will be tremendously useful to a lot of people. No idea how I'm going to comb through this but I can't wait! Thank you so much for this contribution.
A contest for particle effects or scrolling backgrounds could produce some interesting results.
These are nice! Any chance of getting the source files for modification?
Thanks for the tips! You're right about the proportions being a little weird.
Side note like many others I've found your tutorials a great help in developing some basic inkscape proficiency so thanks a lot for those!
You can just download inkscape and export it as a bitmap yourself in whatever dimensions you want.
sweet, there are far too few seemless backgrounds on this site :D
Cool! I don't suppose you have the foresty background broken into layers for parallax scrolling?