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Wednesday, July 18, 2018 - 14:26

Yep, I've had this problem more times than I can count. Anytime you plan to do any major changes (especially renaming multiple, heavily used objects) save the project, then save as another name, which will change the name of the currently opened project. That way, when it overwrites, it's doing so with the forked version. I've tried changing how automatic backups work but it still seems to overwrite all backups within minutes apart. Since I've gotten into the habit of this, I've not had any major setbacks with corruption.

Sunday, July 15, 2018 - 13:36

Thanks, guys! That's really flattering. I did all the artwork the bulk of last month (after confirming on this thread that we could start asset work), so I did get a big headstart. Also, as I drew all the rooms/scenes (and didn't use tiles), the level design was mostly knocked out in that time too. I have a guilty conscience, honestly lol.

But, the reason I've been hitting the jams pretty hard for the last year or so is because of an inspirational article I read by D-Pad Studios, where they pounded out a bunch of prototypes and when they're ready, they have artists come in and bedazzle it into a game. Which is how they made Savant: Ascent in "five weeks". Also: Without a deadline, I tend to ignore things lol. Most of the jams I've been in didn't get a single download or rating, so that's not why I'm in them. I would really like to have a base at some point soon that I could commercialize and it be practical in that it stands out, but damn there's a lot of competition out there @.@

Anyway, I don't assume I'll win or anything. I don't really exist anywhere on the internet. The only places I've promoted my stuff is here, itch and in real-life, with a handful of friends that don't really play games. This is an open vote jam, so I'm probably at a huge disadvantage in that area. But thank you for your kind words. It's really nice to hear that my stuff is seen as a threat, as messed up as that sounds lol

Saturday, July 14, 2018 - 11:12

I haven't even checked the jam page since I joined. There's already games submitted O.O

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - 12:26

Yeah, I was going to just slap names down with some logos I drew and how they were used. Eg Glitch the Game: props. I only have 4 people to credit and everything I'm using is cc0. I'm hoping that's sufficient.

Monday, July 9, 2018 - 19:39

@spring it's basically an apocalypse in the afterlife, but it'll likely just be some cheap dialogue then gameplay, if I'm being realistic. I just finished re-exporting the levels in a png format and haven't finished importanting everything back into game maker. It's a chore because I'm using macromedia flash mx-2004 and there's no "export visible layers"... So, I gotta delete all but layer 1, export, undo all deletes, delete all but layer 2, export, undo all deletes etc lol

I PROOOOBABLY don't have the right tools for the job Haha

Anyway, I like the idea behind your game. Kind of reminds me of undertale. While I didn't care as much about the game as the world seems to, the arcade space-shooter-esque battle was a really nice shakeup from typical turn-based and the music is top notch. I get nervous when playing top-town rpgs because of all those rpg maker games that flooded the scene and killed turn-based for me. So, I'm glad you are going the direction you chose. 

Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 23:18

Nice. Looks like you found your way around a variety of tilesets and it all seems to mesh pretty well. Looks like it's gone from breakout to an rpg? Either way, nice progress!

I've got most of the physics scripting done and it's universal for the most part (both player and enemies will be able to use the same code), so the actual movement and stuff looks and feels decent. I was most recently working on replacing the square/rectangle standin graphics with the stuff I drew...

I... Had a bit of a set-back. I drew all of my stages/rooms last month and converted all the sprites to vector but I remembered that gm:s doesn't animate sfw (even though it claims to and seems to have back in gm 8). I've solved this on a project last year but my solution is... It's tedious and involves saving every frame as its own sprite then storing it into an array OR putting it all in one sfw and using a lot of cos/min/max to display only portions of the sprite, but that gets messy with xscale/yscale alterations. So, now I've been converting everything to png and managing tpages to where only a max of two swaps are happening at any time, but they're also the biggest tpage available.

For the first time ever, I'm going to have to impose a recommend requirements lol. I doubt my laptop can handle it. I'll probably just leave it at this resource costly approach through the jam and circle back to better optimization post jam, when I can, but until then I'm betting it'll require a dedicated graphics card made in the past 7 years or so :/

Saturday, June 30, 2018 - 23:52

Last year's oga Jam was my first Jam and I've done (attempted?) 9 since then and honestly, I like fresh starts. I've learned to make cleaner systems, in a shorter amount of time. Planning and time management has been my biggest gain this past year or so. I had a huge project I was poking away at from 2014-2016 but looking at it now... I don't wanna mess with it because it is a mess compared to how I structure now.

@withthelove I GUESS what I'm getting at is that you might be able to make a better base to build medusa must die on, than what you did 'many moons ago'. If you've prepped/organized, most of the work is importing and coding and a month to do so. Just a shot in the dark.


@spring You should totally do a breakout game. You make awesome music, so maybe it can be a music-based breakout? Like the blocks change colors to the beat and like uh... The ball's color can be changed with a button press, and it needs to match the block (which is changing to the beat) to damage/break the block? Another whacky mechanic that comes to mind is when you mess up (or mess up too many times) the camera rotates, or flips? I dunno. That's just a few things I might try with it.

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 10:35

Yeah, no, it's not pointless. Its like, a part of the story, not completely unlike how the jumi's were hunted to almost extinction in LoM for their cores. So, it's basically genocide.

Here's a story boarding draft I did.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 19:15

Godot is pretty amazing, though my experience with it has involved a lot of tripping over my habits. I tend to bork scripts with that tabbing system or uses of the semicolon, but it handles really well and the scene set up is super sleek. I was able to get basic platormer physics in a single session, thanks to the handy help-search that docks right there in the script editor! So, I say you've made an excellent choice. I almost landed on it as the engine I wanted to use but I think I'll get more features fleshed out with GMS(even if I have to battle the terrible room editor), as I know it too well. The evac idea is super legit, it's also a good way to have the player traverse the same scenery over and over with out it feeling repetitive and without purpose.

I'll be making an metroidvania platformer (...I always make platformers) with alien hommid-esque mechanics. The graphics are a bit experimental with a scribbling "color outside the lines" approach. 

I'll be using assets primarily from Mindchamber and glitch, but a few from superpowers and opp. My tools are Krita, flipaclip, layer paint, macromedia mx 2004(Hahaha), gms 1.4 (I have gm2 but I absolutely hate it)

(I didn't know jam introductions were a thing, honestly but I also tend to be anti-social lol)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 18:21

So, I've been hitting the arts pretty hard this month and before I finalize exports and stuff for the jam I just wanted to be sure that it's cool to have some potentially messed up scenery. Nothing xxx rated or anything but people hanging from nooses and decapitated heads... Actually, I think that's about as "bad" as it gets, but I may want to add a few more things of the like, last minute, if time permits.

Edit: This scene, is my biggest concern, I guess.
