You can browse the Vega Strike ship profiles to see which one you want. Then find it by name in the masters/ repo on Subversion. Download it, open it in Blender, try the steps in the above blog, and you just made yourself a 2D space ship.
Mate, grab a copy of blender, grab a blender model from Vega Strike (there's plenty) and (using the gazillion of tutorials online) render it how you like.
People like to help those who help themselves. 1st rule of life. The more effort you show, the more response you'll get. (Tips on rendering, answers to Qs, or even eventually new content.)
Put another way; if you didn't modify it, and just rendered it from an angle, then you have to suggest how you expect it to be used. "Open Game Art" - if it's just a brain fart then it's not going to be useful. This render is not vertically straight, not from an obvious viewing angle (e.g. not isometric) and I can't see how it could be put straight into a game.
This would be very cool if it tiled (horizontally).
Looks very good Retimer.
Would it be possible to update the preview with a .gif to show the explosion as an animation?
Is this an open source game? Do you have a website/project page?
Building 2D sprites from 3D models using Blender:
You can browse the Vega Strike ship profiles to see which one you want. Then find it by name in the masters/ repo on Subversion. Download it, open it in Blender, try the steps in the above blog, and you just made yourself a 2D space ship.
Mate, grab a copy of blender, grab a blender model from Vega Strike (there's plenty) and (using the gazillion of tutorials online) render it how you like.
People like to help those who help themselves. 1st rule of life. The more effort you show, the more response you'll get. (Tips on rendering, answers to Qs, or even eventually new content.)
Projects with good 2D images:
Projects with 3D models you could render (with Blender) for your purposes:
Also a good 3D resource for creating a lot of ship models:
I'm sure there's more but that should help get you started.
Hi Danimal. It looks really nice.
Would like to see:
1. an LOD, 5000 tris is a tad hefty when you could probably get an LOD with a few hundred tris that looks fine for 90% of purposes
2. preview of animations! Not all of us have Blender skills! Take pity on us! :)
Put another way; if you didn't modify it, and just rendered it from an angle, then you have to suggest how you expect it to be used. "Open Game Art" - if it's just a brain fart then it's not going to be useful. This render is not vertically straight, not from an obvious viewing angle (e.g. not isometric) and I can't see how it could be put straight into a game.
Don't forget to attach the blend as the 2D image is somewhat limited by itself.
Have you abandoned the 2D version? The latest blog post seems to imply so.
Also you may get more response if you include some examples of existing art, as well as links to your project (I had to go through your username).