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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 17:07

doing away with creative commons = eliminating all art on oga right now

oga isnt going to do away with cc licenses until a new site is available that does it better

make the new better licenses get them used and adopted by the game dev community __then__ oga will change

before that its just making good assets unavailalbe to people that dont have the same problem with license vs game engine

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 - 16:20

>do away with the misguided Creative Commons and get together and develop licenses geared for games.

that isnt changing oga thats getting rid of oga completely and making whole other website

no need to wait for that you can make new game licenses and host game art on a new site right now

Saturday, July 18, 2020 - 12:31

of coarse we have no idea how to help you there is no details

if you did a all kinds of troubleshooting dont keep it a secret what did you do what are the symptoms

uploading music works fine for me

Saturday, July 11, 2020 - 03:44

cause its better than saying "BUMP"

Tuesday, May 19, 2020 - 11:47

> These icons are not uniformly sized or uniformly separated.
huh? they are all exactly 34 x 34 pixels what isn't uniform?

Monday, April 6, 2020 - 16:09


btw, when i said the symbols are trademarked i meant the symbols _together_ are definitely trademarked. its right from the united states patent and trademark office. you can disagree with them if you want, but there is no arguing about it. like i also said, the question is if it is ok to use the symbols _by themselves_.

just like it is ok to use a green cross _by itself_ on a medkit

or a red H on a white medkit _by itself_ with no cross

but you can not use a red cross on a white medkit _together_

prolly just beating a dead horse at this tpoint, tho. im just nitpicking details. it looks like op or admins added a disclaimer note, so i guess its all good now

Friday, April 3, 2020 - 12:18

> Fighter19: German law applies for anyone who can affect German citizens.
> Fighter19: Thus you're techincally not allowed to make this site available until you have an "legal info" page,

LOL! just let the mods know if you're a german citizen so they can ban you to make the site unavailable to you. problem sovled!

> Fighter19: If you really want to know whether the other symbols are trademarked, ask alawyer

the symbols are trademarked. you dont need to ask a lawyer to know that. the question is if it is ok to use the symbols by themselves or in a game not on the playstation. prolly need a lawyer for that, tho.

Friday, April 3, 2020 - 12:16

> Fighter19: zombietom, if you have no clue about trademarks, please don't talk.

it seems like I know as much as you do about trademarks. maybe you should take yor own advice. I was not saying a _copyright_ license gives you rights to use a _trademark_. I was responding to your statement:

> Fighter19: if you really want to know whether the other symbols are trademarked, ask a lawyer.

there is no question they _are_ trademarked. and since oga is a us based site where german laws arent enforced, here are the US based trademarks:

we all know trademark != copyright. but oga doesn't allow trademarks on the site either. even if the license for graphical art is not the same as license to use the trademark. still not allowed. because _oga site policy_ says so, not because the law says so.

Friday, April 3, 2020 - 12:08

 > Why would the trademark discussion even be relevant if you are an approved developed about to release on the PS4?

right. it wouldnt be relevant. but approved developers arent the only people downloading these.

> Why would Sony or Xbox come over your indie game for supporting their controllers?

i mean yes you probably will never have a problem and never get in trouble. sony wont come after you for using the symbols in your playstation games, and who would use them in a game that isnt going to be on the playstation? but i think what people are saying is you _could_ use them incorrectly and get yourself in trouble.

> Here is a list of games that used these controllers prompts and released on multiple platforms including PS4,Xbox and Switch

yes a lot of games have used these buttons and didnt get in trouble, but thats not really proof that you wont ever. look i cna do that too. here is a list of games that used the red cross on a white background for their medkits

Prison Architect
Half life
Final Fantasy 15
Alien vs Predator
Alien: Resurrection
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Alpha Prime
Call of Duty
Call of Juarez
Day of Defeat
Delta Force
Duke Nukem
Dying Light
blah blah blah, I didn't even get past teh letter D for the most part. there is lots more.

but all these games had to change their graphics or get sued. 

just because a bunch of AAA games did something doesnt mean its allowed. that doesnt mean noone should use these. but they should think about if the way theyre using the symbols is going to piss off sony. like withthelove said, its usually no problem under fair use. but OGA cant tell mpeople its fully safe without a little disclaimer about fair use.

i think its basically settled and agreed its no problem as long as there is a small notice abou t it.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - 15:58

OOps. withthelove gave a much better answer while i was typing. sorry.
