It's OK for the Ankh and the zombie (how can I forgot to make a zombie doh!), but I don't know about the mummy: I think it requires too much details, well I'll see.
Well, rigth now I'm adding more stuff (like 8 swords, 8 axes, 8 potions, 8 monsters, 8 keys, etc.), I think it can be really useful for a roguelike. I'll work on the colorize step after I'll finish the new sprites.
Thank you! It's fixed now!
Massive submission! Very solid work!!
Really nice set!
Another awesome art from Surt!
@Julius : well no doubt a pogo stick could be a great weapon against a golem but I didn't think it sticks to the atmosphere of this tileset ;)
Right now, I'm drawing 8 armor sprites.
@Scrittl: Boar done! Lizard will be the next one (so I have to add another row of 8 animals...)
@cemkalyoncu: really nice suggestions!
Great suggestions!
It's OK for the Ankh and the zombie (how can I forgot to make a zombie doh!), but I don't know about the mummy: I think it requires too much details, well I'll see.
Great design and really pretty colors!
Thanks Redshrike! Never heard of Dragon Wars :D You're talking about this old 1980s RPG ?
Well, rigth now I'm adding more stuff (like 8 swords, 8 axes, 8 potions, 8 monsters, 8 keys, etc.), I think it can be really useful for a roguelike. I'll work on the colorize step after I'll finish the new sprites.