L++ (Lemmings clone) graphics replacement request

L++ (Lemmings clone) graphics replacement request

L++ is an open-source Lemmings clone -- one of the major features of this clone is networked multiplayer (up to 8 players).  Right now it uses the original game art from the Lemmings games, but in the spirit of being free, the primary developer is looking for art to replace the characters, terrain, etc.

The game (Windows and Linux binaries and source) can be found at http://camanis.net/lemmings/files/clones/lpp/ as the game has been removed from the official website pending the graphics replacement.  However, since we have no artists, it is going rather slowly.

If anybody is interested, there is a forum located at http://lplusplus.co.cc/forum.php or you can usually catch somebody in the IRC channel, #lemmings on irc.enterthegame.com