Under what license are OGA users?
Under what license are OGA users?
Hi, using assets from OGA in your games is for amateurs, I want to go further and fill my game with OGA users too. And it won't be just random choices for no reason, instead every user will have a role which is somehow related to their position or contribution or their asset(s) used in my game. For example creator of weapon 3d meshes will be a blacksmith, while music creator is a bard obviously.
I'm making a tactical ARPG game, diablo clone with real time with pause party full control (although there're chances I'll remove ARPG part from the game and turn it into Icewind Dale clone instead with free camera and full party control even in real time), where player has a single settlement, which acts like a base in old X-COM game. Player can choose what to build, upgrade, invest, focus on in their settlement between successful infinite quests and also use this base as town in typical Diablo clone by resupplying in the middle of a quest.
I want to fill that town with OGA users instead of some random NPC names, and make some kind of references to forum posts or their works here on OGA:
MedicineStorm - local sheriff, scholar and powerful wizard, who keeps Bart - an ancient vampire locked in her basement - and researching possible vampire cure. Will provide research service, similar to researching in X-COM, which will unlock new services/buildings in the settlement. Will give quests related to research.
Bart - an ancient vampire locked in MedicineStorm's basement. Will provide respec service, drinking player's blood and making him/her forget everything, but regain all spent points. For a price, of course. Will also try to convince the player to help him and will give quests related to vampire artifacts and necromancy.
EmceeFlesher - can be an undead hunter paladin who tracked Bart to the settlement, and now believes that he must protect its people until MedicineStorm finds the cure. Or kill the vampire if he escapes. Will offer resurrection services for dead NPC party members and give undead hunting related quests. Or he can be an assassin sent by Bart's vampire clan to release him or even dispose of him, because they're afraid that he can reveal their location.
Wandering bards in a tavern will change among people, whos music is used in the game. May be after every quest a new random bard will replace old one in town, repeating this process infinitely.
There can be multiple shop owners working in shifts, so shopping can be done 24/7, while resting shop owners are sitting in a tavern, so you can meet all item mesh&texture creators in a settlement.
Every NPC will have a relation towards the player, which will improve or decrease upon completed or failed their quests or may be some other events. For example if settlement will be under attack from time to time, then NPCs, who died, will be resurrected in the end, but they won't be happy about it. This relation will affect services quality/price or quests max difficulty/reward.
Those are just examples, as nothing is done yet. I'm just curious if I need to ask everyone's permission one by one to use them in a game or their nicknames or first-names-only can be used without their approval? I understand that full name is obviously can't be used without permission, but what about usernames or first names only?
That is a really cool idea... aside from MedicineStorm, Bart, and Emcee Flesher who else were you planning on using?
No mind to think;
No will to break;
No voice to cry suffering.
This is probably the coolest most creative idea I've ever heard. Using OGA users as assets is genius! I would love to see this materialize, and have no idea about the license on actual usernames themselves. If it were me, I would probably heir on the safe side and ask every individual you plan on incorporating into your game.
Umplix, I planned to use everyone whos art I use + OGA moderators + Danimal for his thread which caused me to make that game + that spambot who necroposted in his thread making me read it, who would be an annoying retired necromancer, who would force dialog with player whenever he's near similar to Noober from Baldur's Gate + some other OGA users like in that example with Bart in a basement.
But I'll have to change the whole idea, because after further development I realized that I can't design non-stupid, non-boring and non-repeative ARPG combat. Path of Exile also has this problem as it's dominated by 1-button builds who just walk from room to room and spam 1 skill. Then there's a problem with melee, again, same as in many other ARPGs, where you have to guess when enemy is in range, although in many ARPGs player character will automatically aproach the target.
I wanted to change game into sci-fi or post-apo and make it focused on ranged combat, grenades, stimulators (very short term strong self-buffs, like +move speed or +damage resistance) and cover. And without "skills" or "abilities" at all, since players will spam 1 anyway. And no, cooldowns is not an option, as they will only distract the player forcing him to constantly look at the skillbar, or just run away from enemy until CD is over or just do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 skill combo all the time, which won't change anything in the end.
So I'll need to change player's focus from combat to group management and make truly tactical ARPG where NPC placement is very important, and this is possible only with heavy focus on ranged combat, AoE (grenades) and cover, without melee. This will make combat non-repeatative and player won't need to spam anything. Because right now, at current stage, NPCs just run to each other and just swing weapons in melee range and there's nothing tactical about it. Even if I implement all kind of skills and spells, it won't change current situation, unless everyone is ranged.
But... the proplem is: top down view + ranged combat isn't good combination, as I already tried to do that in the past and it was terrible and felt clunky. It's also very weird with different screen aspect ratios and different players will have different game experience depending on how wide their screen is. Which means complete remake of a game and probably turning it into Fallout4 clone with ability to pause game and switch to strategic view where you can give orders to your NPCs at will. With a focus on settlement building, NPC management (farmers, laborers, scientists, guards) and territory control. I don't think I'll create a story and characters with dialogs, as it's too ambitious + I don't even have an idea for a story, but to make "Domination" game mode from unreal tournament on a huge open world map with ability to build/upgrade something on these domination points? Shouldn't be hard. So it won't be an ARPG or RPG, but rather strategic shooter with light RPG elements (inventory and stats).
And I want to make it open source project, which will be my very first open source project at all. So in case something goes wrong (I again abandon yet another project because of realizing that it's boring), it won't be wasted as someone else might find it useful, as it will have the code for movement, inventories, open world cells loading and off-screen simulation on distant nonloaded lands, settlement building, AI, etc. And it'll be a Unity project, so it's not really an open source, but essentially it'll act as open source, it'll simply require unity (which is free) to actually open/edit it.
There is usually no legal ramifications from using usernames, but it is polite to ask. On the other hand, some usernames may be the person's real name, or the username is trademarked. Case-in-point, "Medicine Storm." However, I would love for you to use my handle as a narrative element in your game. My only request is that "Medicine Storm" never be associated with narrative elements featuring child abuse.
Regarding the spambot necromancer; The first thing I thought of was those monsters "Bots" from Legend Of Zelda: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Bot Haha! I can just imagine a spam bot being portrayed as a slimy half-witted blob that somehow has nercomantic powers.
On the "Necromancy" note, how does recovery after death work in this game? When the player dies, is there a cost to be resurrected? or is it just an instant free respawn thing? I wonder if bart, being a vampire, is cursed to be (un)dead but is one of the few people capable of resurrecting dead players. He can't come out of the basement or be set free (as his bloodlust would take over) but he is willing to bring you back from beyond the veil of death... for a price! *muahahahahh!* It's your story, of course, so just ignore me.
--Medicine Storm
I abandoned that game due to inability to design adequare and interesting ARPG combat mechanic.
As for death, I planned: players would respawn possibly losing highest skill rank on death, and if all skills are 0, then losing XP, even going into negative, unless player pays in soul gems (alternative to gold currency, which would also be used for enchanting, respec'ing and may be something else). Also whole inventory would drop on death. As for player party's NPCs - their souls would stay at town for some time allowing player to pay in soul gems to resurrect them. But you'll never see that, since I'm making Fallou4 clone without quests (at least for now) and with complex settlement management and AI controlled factions who will also manage their settlements. With some neutral hostile factions (raiders, mutants) being in between and causing trouble for everyone. Technically it's not hard to make such game, the only problem is to optimize meshes and textures and armature skeletons for my low end machine, so I can play my own game myself. There's a lot of 3D free-to-use meshes for armors and clothing which I can reshape into needed body shapes and then optimize them, then there're post-apo buildings meshes, etc. Another problem can be animations, mixamo has them, but most of them look ugly and even silly, e.g. there're literally 0 adequare female walk animations, they're all either too clumsy or too exaggerated, I can edit them and mix them, but I'm not very good animator. So if we ignore animations and 3d optimization, then everything can be done pretty fast and easy.
Once basics are done, I'll share this project here on OGA with instructions how to set everything up and build it into standalone game. I also comment everything in the code to explain stuff, and later may be write some documentation. So even if I again abandon this proejct for some reason, at least people will have an access to open world walking simulator where you can spawn NPCs, buildings, directly control NPCs like in RTS, and shoot things.
As for usernames, due to generic nature of my current game (there will be no story), the idea of using OGA users is no longer relevant. May be later, once the basics are done, I'll add some non-generic NPCs and pre-built settlements similar to cities in Fallout4, where OGA users can act as NPCs.
If you want to look at my abandoned project, it's on current OGA jam:
NPC control will look the same like in this game. With the only exception that my new game will be 1st/3rd person and you'll be able to pause game and use strategic view whenever you want and during that time you'll be able to control friendly NPCs, thus making it a tactical shooter. Strategic view will also be used for settlement management and structure building, just like in RTS games.
I would suggest you get explicit written permission from those involved. Usernames are pseudonyms and thus can fall under the right of publicity.
From the users' perspective, even if they are portrayed respectfully, they may not want to be associated with your project or view the portrayal as endorsement for your project. So permission should be sought in case of trouble down the line.
Yeah, I'll second congusbongus. I love the idea of an RPG populated by fellow OGAers, but you should probably seek written permission from each user before using their name.
TBH, a better, safer approach would be to use parody names. For example, for meidcinestorm you could use 'medicaltempest', for EmceeFlesher you could use 'MC Fresher', etc. etc.
That way it's clear to everyone (players, OGA users, etc.) that you're just having some fun and nothing is meant to seriously reflect anyone's character, personality, etc.
That also adds an extra layer of fun for players because they can play 'spot the OGA reference' with the NPC names.