Does revision system store license info?
Does revision system store license info?
Does revision system store license info?
If someone decided to change the license of the work, it is possible to get the previous version licensed under previous license throught revision system?
Is the revision system something like git repo? If yes, it is possible to view it as git from?
I can see the revision info for my submissions and I can see the license change in the revision history (CC-BY-SA -> CC0 for that specific one), however, I cannot access that page as an unregistered user and I cannot access "older revision" link as an unregistered user. I wonder this feature may be beneficial.
Thank you! I just want to be sure that I protected from someone's wish to change the license... I understand if I downloaded something under for example CC0, I can use it under CC0 even if the author decided to change the license to CC-BY-SA... But if I can't prove that I downloaded it when it has CC0, it doesn't matter because everyone will think that it is violation... I want to be protected and think about ways to protect users... Now I think about gpg signs....
Yes the history is retained and includes license. That scenario you outlined is one reason for the history, but a submission changing from a permissive license like CC0 to a more restrictive one like CC-BY-SA is pretty rare. Be cautious with using previous versions of submissions. They are usually changed for good reason. Often that reason is that the original license was never valid to begin with and the submitter was correcting it to account for derivative attribution.
Do you have a specific example in mind? You have only downloaded one asset (while logged in) so that is the only asset you'd be able to "prove" that you downloaded at an earlier time.
--Medicine Storm
Transition from CC0 to CC-BY-SA was just an example of two random licenses.
The situaion 1: Was one asset (on itch) I wanted to use (it was under CC0) and then author made it proprietary.... I had already started to prototype level with it.... I glad that it wasn't completed game....
I understand that OGA is only for free/libre stuff but sometimes here can appers "strange" people.
The situaition 2: Here was uploaded the following asset pack
IIRC it was you the person that commented that it had not free license inside the archive file. The the creator said something like "I deleted the file with proprietary license and stick with OGA-BY3". I found that asset on itch and here so I writed comment here "Will you sync license here and on itch?". Then I got email that duplicates comment "Ah yes I'm having trouble with licenses. Unfortunately, I cannot make my own
on OGA. If that is a problem, I guess I'll just have to remove it from OGA". :\
I have already used some assets from itch and I am afraid that some creators of used assets can change the license. Now I know that revision system allows to "prove" it at least partially so I will prefer assets from OGA in the first place... And I think I will be agitating creators of quality assets under CC licenses to upload on OGA also...
...And what was the follow-up comment to that?
--Medicine Storm
I tried to open the page but I couldn't open it... It looked like it was deleted. "Error message" was something like: you are not allowed to view this page because you aren't registered user (but I was registered) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
opens fine for me. Can you take a screenshot of the page you're seeing?
--Medicine Storm
Now it opens. I don't have a screenshot. I couldn't open it several hours ago after receiving email about comment (several days ago) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I take the screenshot from another page but the page has the same content so... I hope you see the screen because when I click on "edit" to edit the message, I see the screen but when I click save, I don't see it in the reply
i believe that particular submission was deleted by the author