Hi, You're talking about NFTs as if everyone would know what it means, but maybe you could explain this acronym?
What Google gives me as an answer doesn't seem to match:
"L'acronyme NFT signifie non fungible token, ou jeton non fongible en français. Il diffère donc d'un jeton fongible. Ainsi, une unité de bitcoin est interchangeable avec une autre unité de bitcoin, au même titre qu'une pièce d'un euro s'échange avec une autre pièce d'un euro."
It seems to be something related to bitcoin, but not related to graphics?
Wikipedia also doesn't give me any clue about what it could be related to graphics:
Who is "you" in this context? Who are you talking to? Where did they talk about NFTs?
--Medicine Storm
I think the point of that NFT notification is for people who _do_ know what NFT's are. Its really irrelevant for those who don't know what NFT's are.
At this point NFT's have largely fallen by the wayside anyway. They were a fad for a short while but have really dropped off.
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Oh. The notification on the front page? I guess I'm "you". Haha.
But... That notification indicates disambiguation. Be sure to click the links to get the full information. Beyond that, if Wikipedia's definition of non fungible tokens doesn't clarify things, you may have to be more specific about the parts you don't understand.
Yeah, 95% of all NFTs have lost all value so that notification is a lot less relevant now. If we see no further attempts to scalp OGA assets for fraudulent NFTs for a few more months, that notification will disappear.
--Medicine Storm
And yeah, the first thing I noticed when I came back to OGA was that NFT notification at the top lol. I guess you kinda just forgot about it. ^_^
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Nope. I didn't forget about it. I just didn't know if that is what was being referred to. The notification indicates what nft stand for so I assumed OP was taking about something else
--Medicine Storm