[solved] Portraits for weird-realism-cartoon style satirical Post-Apocalyptic RPG
[solved] Portraits for weird-realism-cartoon style satirical Post-Apocalyptic RPG
All the images that needed replacement have been replaced! If you feel like drawing post-apocalyptic cartoony portratis, check out 11-portraits-108px, athlete-portrait-variations, 9-portaits-108px and the images in the replies and feel free to submit your works to OpenGameArt.org!
DNT is a freely licensed 3D graphics RPG for Linux, Mac and Windows.
We are looking for people to create new portraits that are similar in style to the ones we already have. They can be original or replace our placeholders.
[Images removed due to technical reasons]
- Resolution at least 54x54px (more would be great, but it should look good at 54x54px).
- Background has to be transparent.
- Style should be similar to the above images.
- Inspiration:
- Gender: Male, Female, Transgender
- Classes: students of administration, biology, computer science, journalism, law, mechanical engineering, medicine, music, philosophy, physical education, physiotherapy, occupational therapy
- Races: strange autists, "boy"/"patty", goths, hippies, common humans, human lamas, headbangers, mutant human crickets, skinheads
- Screenshots
I guess that the hippie is actually meant to be a rastafarian or atleast thats what I assumed from the hat so I decided to give him a go! so here's the result.
Hope it's useful! you can use it as CC0 but if you want to credit me please do as either Scribe or Daniel Stephens.
P.S. this is my first real attempt at cartoon style drawing but I think it's pretty good actually! :D hope the project goes well.
Firstly, I'm a dev from DNT.
@qubodup Seeing all the NPC portraits side by side remember me how bad they are! I'm happy that OGA exists...
@scribe Great portrait! I'll add it to DNT and will credit you...
@scribe: very nice!
I made a horrible one (velhaca):
It sounds interesting so I tried to do 3 portraits (108px) but they are maybe not funny enough (except the punk) :
nubux: I think they're pretty good and fitting. And the first non-masculine portrait, nice!
They also look good at 54x54. I'd upload them as an oga submission. If you don't feel like it, please state the license. :)
If they're OK I'll do some more.
For the license I don't know yet but it will be CC0 or CCby (depend on how many portraits i'll do).
@qubodup: It's not bad at all... in fact, it's better than anything I could do myself!
@nubux: Great portraits, thanks a lot! I'll definitly add then to DNT (I like their felling)... And, about the licenses, even if they are just CC0 I'll credit you...
And I believe you all (scribe, nubus and qubodup) should submit the created portraits here in OGA for other projects to use them (and not just DNT), as I believe they could have some use for a lot of projects;
Two more portraits and the last one is unfinished because I didn't like it but it still can be usefull.
I'll upload them in the OGA's submissions with line and colors in different layers, it will be easy to recolor if needed.
@nubux: Added them all, thanks a lot!... Also, the layered sources should be very usefull for some easy variations...
nubux: they are very good. The seem like healthy, happy, friendly children.
The children are in the game, however they do nothing but run around [video] (in a Fallout-2-style-manner :) ). I think they are waiting for thieir rat-infested school to be clear again. On the other hand: there are no teachers in there.
PS: license.txt
qubodup: Thank you for the feed back and details .
hmm... I have to admit that they dont have a post-apo feeling.
Hope these one will fit, they are more cartoony:
Muahaha, these are excellent! Nevertheless, all of yours (and Scribe's) are of high quality and should be OGA-submitted!
@farrer: I had mine on OGA at first, but I decided that it's too low quality and moved it to dA. I better stick to translations ;)
@nubux Both versions are excellent! Now I have to do some re-texturize on our models too, to these variations (we'll use both variations, as people should be a lot different between places)...
@qubodup I've added your to DNT anyway, as it was for sure better than the previous one.
FYI: nubux submitted their portraits: http://opengameart.org/content/9-portaits-108px
I noticed two alread-existing portratis on OGA: post-apocaliptic-soldier and mysterious-man.
Added them... (although the "mercenary" was somewhat dirty, scaling down and some color change make it good, I think)... The "mysterious" will force me to do a new model (the mercenary, with some adjusts to the "bar owner" model, we could get something similar)...
Here's a more color-levelled version of the merc:
I hope you guys don't mind me giving a few critiques on the mercenary! To me @farrer, the origial version looks a bit washed out but @qubodup I think you have saturated the skin too much so it's a little yellow. I have created a version with the skin almost the original colour but with the rest darken, I think it could still be improved though :)
What do you guys think?
@scribe I agree. Yours look a lot better (that's the difference between someone skilled - you - to a programmer - me - using gimp!)... Changed to it. Thanks!
Scribe: thanks!
Good idea to use these concept arts they are great !!
I did some other portraits.
Two ameiva, I prefer the blue one .
Santa is not one of my favorites.
Any critique is welcome.
@nubux I like them all; the blue ameiva and the rat are my favorites. About the Santa, It's a great portrait (We could use it in a variation of the current santa model), but it should be good to have another one, with less hair and with a irregular beard (think about a decadent and somewhat bald santa);
@nubux: The portraits are very good! Santa looks like a psychologically stable wise old man though.
The "Santa Claws" in the game however is a jerk who asks you to prank-install Windows on a few Linux users' computers. He also seems bizarre, he stands around in the wild with snow falling only directly on his spot... strange [http://youtu.be/s3vlKeHcdU8?t=5m].
I think they scale well to 54px
Farrer:Yes, you're totally right concerning Santa.
Are you going to keep the 54px format ? if so, I'd better do future portraits in 54px format ?
qubodup:I saw the video and even tryed the game for a while to have an idea of the background.
I'll have to digg in the forum too.I'm not fluent so it takes me more concentration to read every thing. You have someone who speak french in your team or is it just someone who did the translation?
About the sizes: we'll use it in 54x54 for now, but it's good to have it in a greater resolution, just in case that in the future we decide to change (or if will need a greater in some dialogs, etc). So there's no problem with you doing them in greater resolutions, in fact it could be usefull for us.
About french: the translation was done long ago mostly by a contributor that made no more contacts since it's finished back then (for now it receives some exporadical contributions in launchpad)... Anyway, I can read french without problems, but don't expect me writing with fluence. If you don't mind reading some mixed french-portuguese-spanish, you can ask questions in french there (althought it's better to use english there so more people can understand and opinate).
Yes of course I'll use English I just ask because I'm allways wandering how much the french speakers are involved in open source game community. Anyway, I made a quick portrait, it's a work in progress (not a gentle and wise Santa/Gandalf anymore ^^) so if you have any suggestion.
I finaly succeed in insatlling a windows version of krita, I'm so glad.
Awesome! :D
I'll definitly have to model a guy like that! His lovely and nice face is... so... DNT-like!...
Just some suggestions:
Make the neck more defined (it seens right now too much rectangular and pushed to the back)...
And add some details to the cloth at his right arm (image's left), as they are at the other side (I'll believe that's the part not complete right now)...
Santa Claws, Velha, Chico.
I don't have time to play DNT for now so if you have description ( like age, weight, freindly or not, ...) for the others NPC they are welcome.
Great, nubux!
For the chico portrait, althought he has no history yet on the game, he's more like Pelé in his phisionomy than like Bruce Lee (but, for sure your portrait is usable for other models).
As I see, the portraits remaining from the current set of models we have are:
Zé do Bar: He's the man behind a post-apocaliptical pub in our initial place. no history on him yet;
Logan: He's the free software guy. He's the guy who you first contact in the game and will try to take you to the path of free software. Besides that, he eats crickets constantly and have some kind of conflict with Santa.
Feel free to draw any portraits you desire, even if not on the first picture quobodup posted. We'll make use of them all, and they also give us ideas for new characters (as your green children, last santa and chico did);
Again, thanks a lot!
Note: I know logan only as a player. I believe he is based on a real-life character though.
To me he seems like a slightly arrogant smartass who looks down on me but is willing to give me a chance to prove my worth. But that's good. I prefer "show me what you've got!" over "Chosen one, please save us!" any day!
Perhaps he is a bit like ben from full throttle. Maybe his portrait should look like this + a bit of smile.
He's probably the first person you will talk to in the game. I'm thinking that means he might be very central..
If I understand well the game starts not much later after the bomb was dropped so people are just like us, today ? or is it far after the bomb so different kinds of cultures has emerged like Fallout? I'm not sure.
Thank you guys for your tips for the other NPC.
So let's start with something like that for Logan and let me know if you want me to change something or even do another one from start.
I think we will find rationalizations for any kind of creatures that farrer likes. It's quite whacky after all ;)
I should have mentioned: the current portrait of logan is
Your basis looks like very good replacements for

Here's an invented player character profile that I would like to play:
Female, 31 years.
Story: After the bomb, she was with her husband and her 13 years old son a bunker for months until the food ran out. Finally, the food ran out and she slaughtered her husband to nourish both her child and herself. She made up a story about the husband leaving to check if it is possible to live on the surface.
Her son left her when she was sleeping. It is not clear whether he realized what must have happened and left in disgust or whether he went to look for his father.
Soon, she too would leave. Fearing death but not wanting to stay alone. It turned out life on the surface is not problematic but she remains paranoid.
Profile: fearful, paranoid but dangerous in critical situations. Usually shy, extremely aggressive in critical situations.
Picture could illustrate her fear while at the same time showing aggression/danger. For example: fearful eyes but threatening mouth/teeth (might be a bad suggestion). Hair should be red/brown/black, possibly with grey hairs in it from stress.
@nubux I like your concept for logan. Maybe with a more not so regular beard and done! (and the game is not so far after the nuclear takedown, think about something like 5 to 15 years)
@qubodup for the cruzeirense (
) and atleticano (
) I was thinking that the athlete nubux made would be perfect with a color variation (
And I liked a lot the female character description... that leave me a though of party-NPC or even some pre-defined Playable Character... let's see what would be better to do in DNT...
farrer: ok, so it's only about regular people (students) trying to deal with this (local?) nuclear mess, it's fine.
qubodup: this is an interesting story wich is the kind of things that we need to see more often in non comercial games.So I tried to do a sketch of this character, she has big eyes (wich looks more tender IMO) and is very underweighted, wich give the impression that she's nervous and maybe violent.
Even if she's quite marked she looks a bit old I'll fix this .
The file is named Sarah because I needed a name for it but it's not important.
I made some quick sketches of random charachters, I can detail them.
By the way, maybe black and white is a good choice for DNT ??
There is a special need in non-commercial games for this but not in commercial ones?
I see no problem with the age-look. Especially since stress can do that for you too.
The attachements are not visible. Also: I recommend PNG over BMP.
I prefer colored portraits, they are easier to read than B&W ones and DNT has quite small portraits (hard to read) already.
I tried coloring in gimp:
Should I write more character profiles? Here is one that just came to mind:
I think that non commercial games don't have to target a wide public and are (or should be) able to treat non consensual points of view on politic or philosophy. That's my opinion at the moment and it's maybe totally wrong.
Nice coloration ! what about adding a "stress gray lock" somwhere ?
Yes character profiles defenitely helps a lot ! and I really enjoy reading good short stories like that. I'll work on Magda today.
I changed to png on the previous post.
I'm not really happy with this drawing and especially with the colors.
@nubux: I liked both the sketches (the f04 is one of my favorites) and the Magda portrait. For Magda, I think it could be better if the buffer eye is without details and with some texture to the shirt;
@qubodup: Please keep doing character profiles: they also could help on the DNT story/contents development and are great!
I put some lights/shadows remove the details on the eye and tried a color that makes it more readable in 54 and tweaked the apron.
If it's alright like that I'll work on Logan.
I liked it, but the eye cover should be a gray or dark-gray, I think... Besides that, for me it's excellent!
1. I have to compliment you on your work, nubux. They are all very intriguing, except h01, which I can't recognize yet. f04 might use stronger/blacker lines. I'm also glad you made so many portratis that look feminine, as I am in favor of avoiding gender stereotyping.
2. Here is a zip of the layers I used to color Sarah. http://ompldr.org/vZWtocg . I have never digitally colored portraits before and I never added shadows to paintings but if my work is OK and you, nubux, would prefer not to do coloring, I will gladly do more color work.
3. I will write more character profiles when ideas come to mind! Actually here's a simple one...
Also, here is a link to a post-apocalyptic game plot document, which I wrote down and participated creating in. It features two character profiles (search for "character" heading), which are quite extreme and over-the-top but might serve as inspiration nonetheless.
4. To me, magda looks like an adventurous girl, who doesn't let a little radiation shake her down from digging through junk to find spare parts for that bike (inspiration: Maureen of Full Throttle) she's been trying to repair (and worry about getting fuel for it later).
5. I agree that the eye patch should be dark grey. See attachement.
I don't consider me as a colorist and I think that you did it very well; for exemple, I didn't thought to separate every color and play with saturation/tint...I guess everybody does it like that instinctively.
So if you have time to spend on it, it would be great !
Magda portrait also has a resemblance to Logan portrait, she could be his daughter or something.
And ok for the black eye patch.
I am a bit busy for the moment so I don't have any update.I'll be back in a few days.
I finished Logan, I hope he is ok.If not it can be used for an other character.
Hi, somehow his hair is very girly? why dont you add a few grey shades in there, i think it would look better that way
I liked Logan's portrait, but maybe with danimal's suggestion it'll look even better...
Danimal: I for one don't know what you mean. Could you re-touch it yourself?
What do Farrer and Logan himself think? :)
I'll try to give color to some of the BW portraits.
Two for now. No shadows.
This zip contains both .xcf and .psd layered files: http://ompldr.org/vZW56bA