Update upload woes.
Update upload woes.
Sunday, August 5, 2012 - 04:07
I've been trying to upload the latest files of my pack today. The upload seems to start (my browser is showing progress, the bar on the site stays at 0 though) and when it's done I get the following:
- The file RavenmoreIconPack.psd could not be saved. An unknown error has occurred.
- The file in the File(s) field was unable to be uploaded.
Same thing with preview files etc. Anyone got any ideas what's happening?It's already had 8 revisions so far, is that a problem?
Should all be fixed now, thanks to Botanic!
Yeah I just uploaded something its all good : )
Stupid physics making it so we cant store more data on a drive then the drive can handle... pashiit
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
All fixed now, thanks! :)
Good artists are crappy artists that never gave up.