OGA mailer corrupts subject lines.
OGA mailer corrupts subject lines.
Thursday, August 23, 2012 - 15:00
I hope this is the right place to report bugs in opengameart. There seems to be a problem with OGA's mailer software. I received today a mail with the following Subject header:
Subject: [OpenGameArt] 'Various sound effects from Rubik's Race.' was marked as a favorite!
which is in reference to the following entry:
Note that the apostrophe in the title has been mangled -- it has been replaced by the sequence "'". The title appears correctly in the message body.
That's an HTML entity for apostrophes/single-quotes. The subject line and content for each post are likely stored that way so reserved characters like greater-than, less-than, and quote marks don't cause bugs/vulnerabilities in the site's HTML code.
My project: Bits & Bots
Email Subject headers are not HTML code, so they should not contain HTML entities any more than they should contain doctype directives or other tags (unless the mail's topic is actually about these HTML constructs, of course!).
"Email Subject headers are not HTML code"
"subject line and content for each post are likely stored that way"
--Medicine Storm
Thanks for reporting this. I'll see if there's an easy way of fixing it. If it turns out to be difficult to fix, I'll have to put it off, since it's not really a show stopper.