UOK Software Workshop
UOK Software Workshop
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 18:03
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to share this with anyone interested. WE will be hosting a public workshop. Its something we want to start doing to help other devs and others learn software development/various of things needed to know to operate a software company.
UOK Software Workshop
Date: Oct. 27, 2012
Time: Noon Indiana Eastern Time
Subject: Project planning and development fundamentals
Description: Learn how to plan a simple project and organize it on paper.
Educator: M. Holmes
Location: UOK Software Team Speak
RSVP: uokgames@gmail.com Subject: Workshop
Please email your RSVP and inform them you will attend if you plan on attending. Expect the workshop to last at least 2 hours. Thank you.
I deleted your double post. Please don't clutter the forums.
Sorry pressed save twice my IE has been acting up badly. Not sure if its my ISP or computer.
Do I get any certificates at the end of the workshop? I could really use a couple of certificates from UOKgames, the more the better.
I'm honestly not sure if your being serious or not but no. Its just a workshop to educate you and help you become a better business owner or employee/project manager.
I'm afraid I can't give this seminar the wholehearted endorsement that it deserves, since you STILL haven't given a satisfactory answer to Leo's inquiries in the Logos thread - that shows remarkably poor communication skills, wouldn't you say? Of course, if you give Leo's artwork the fair shake it deserves, I could be persuaded to attend your seminar (and bring a good portion of the community here with me - they place a lot of stock in the opinion of business owners like areselves).
My project: Bits & Bots
Replied sorry for the delay.
I'm intrigued as to the quality of this seminar, and so may I ask:
Where does Mr. Holmes get his experience from? Will we be attending a valuable lesson taught by a professionally qualified and experienced game developer? And also, may I see some of his work?
I'm quite interested (as I work in the industry myself) about listening to this workshop, so a fast reply would be brilliant!
Many thanks!
Currently working for a company full time, I do NOT want a job offer, thanks!
I have several degrees; one of them is in business. I’ve worked in the entertainment industry since I was a teenager writing music with my father whom is a well known country music writer. I’ve worked for Version, HP and Apple on a cooperate level. I’ve owned my own business for over ten years and I currently manage over 12 employees. However, I consistently learn something new and how to better manage projects every day. The workshop will go discuss my processes and offer suggestions on how you can improve your project management skills.
What's any of that goat to do with a "Software Workshop"? I was hopping to learn about Visual Basic so that I could start my own buisness software business. :(
Edit: fixed speling mistake. :)
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
More to running a business than just programming, a lot more.
Could you be a bit more specific about topics and processes covered?
Please review the date:
Date: Oct. 27, 2012
So like... 7 hours ago?
Yes, Im sorry if you missed it but the time, date and location was posted.
Hello again, Mr. _school,
Due to my need to oversee disciplinary actions against an intern, I was unable to attend this surely enlightening virtual seminar. Our there any transcripts or recordings available for download, that I might peruse at my leisure?
As you our no doubt aware, I am the Sole Owner, CEO, CFO, CIO, Chairman, Director, and Dictator for Life of my own company (MoikMellah Industries, Inc - "We put the Ass in Assassin! Twice, apparently!"). In between my feverish bouts of programming (I've written well over 100,000 pieces of software since August of 2009), research binges (I'd be lost without the kind users of the MSDN forums teaching me how to use arrays and other such high-level techniques), and the oversight of my massive corporate operations (we have had hundreds of workers in are intership program alone), it's hard to find time to slip away to attend such useful seminars and gain the critical information I need to stay on top. As a CEO yourself, I'm sure you understand my dilemma - if there is any way you could help to accommodate my busy schedule, please let me know.
Thank you again for your consideration, and have a great day!
P.S. @Amondeo: I hope you found some of the answers you were looking for.
My project: Bits & Bots
Ok I hate to ask but your posts confuse the crap out of me. Can you please explain what your point was in the above post. Or where this even came from, thank you.
I don't wanna be rude, but i think he wanted to say that you are a scammer, troll, with no real company that you claim you own.
You are just polluting this forums, i would suggest that mods ban you and delete the posts, as there is not any value in them.
Old School, I hate to be the one to finally spell this out, but what it comes down to is this: you came to this forum, for open game art, looking for art for NOT free NOT games. In the short time since then, you have inflated your credentials far past the point of credibility, especially for anyone with meager Google skills. You've been condescendingly offering coding and business advice when it seems clear you have little relevant to say about either, and your website naively boasts (or boasted) about maintaining private MMO servers which are against those very games EULAs.
Stop giving out advice and stop pretending you're a big shot, and work on your communications skills and start honestly presenting yourself instead, and you'll probably get a lot farther.
NM Dont feed the trolls
Hola, Senor escuela_mayor,
That's quite alright. I've already been fed magnificently, and washed it all down with the tears of disabled children.
(..That'd be a lot funnier if you hadn't deleted the insipid Trolling rant from your YouTube channel. C'est la vie.)
But allow me to let the clown mask slip for just a moment, and I'll do you the courtesy that you seem so unwilling to grant the rest of us: I'll be honest with you.
What you are doing is wrong.
I don't really have an issue with you lying about your company, experience, and expertise. It's annoying, but harmless - after all, who doesn't tell a fib now and then? The Internet has a long memory, and it's not like you can just wipe away the truth by scrubbing your website every few months. It's painfully obvious to anyone who looks that your posturing is nothing but a flimsy charade, and in the end it does no real harm.
Your abuse of copyright is a bit more vexing. Creative Commons assets are NOT the same thing as Public Domain clipart, and you repeatedly fail to follow either the spirit or the letter of licensing requirements. Still, it's not my own copyrights you've trampled as of yet, and so I really don't have much say in the matter. I will notify the artists here whose work you've misappropriated, but that's as far as I can go - it's up to individual artists to protect their own interests from a legal standpoint.
No, what I find absolutely repulsive is your exploitation of inexperienced artists with your unpaid 'internships' and profit-sharing schemes. What you are doing - 'hiring' people under false pretenses, misrepresenting the success and sway of your 'company' within the industry and promising a share of nonexistant profits - is wrong. Ethically for sure, and quite likely legally (as fraud is widely frowned upon).
From your posts, it's clear that you crave nothing so much as exposure. Well, I've given you that in spades - after all, it's said that sunlight is the best disinfectant (though if you hear that in a restaurant, I'd advise eating elsewhere). Rest assured, you'll suffer no lack of attention here from now on: I'll make sure that every lie you tell is starkly lit by an effigy of your own words. I hope the mods will allow our recent conversations to remain, as they are a fantastic example of your true nature for anyone who may be dazzled by your swaggering and empty promises.
Now, could you do me a favor? Could you have a great day? Could you do that for me? Thanks.
My project: Bits & Bots
I was not planning to partake in this discussion but MoikMellah was too well spoken. Reading his reply above reminded me of the beautiful declaration of independence and how well it was written. I am very impressed =) (I'm not being sarcastic).
Now that I see this, I must ask - is this company just a joke then? Or a scam? Looking at some of the products I see badly written programs passing off with game art lifted from here, and yet, the company is trying to hire artists, and organise workshops?!
I work in the industry, old_school, and looking at your job offers, you need to give them some work.
Currently working for a company full time, I do NOT want a job offer, thanks!