Plasma Forks - 3D FPS game in web browser
Plasma Forks - 3D FPS game in web browser
Monday, November 12, 2012 - 03:54
I put my other similar project, Dark Corners, on hold and spun off a sci-fi shooter for the GitHub Game Off challenge. The theme for the challenge revolves loosely around central Git concepts and I took one of the example ideas - "a FPS where you throw forks at water balloons" - and replaced the balloons with killer robots. It's not yet complete, but I published a playable multi-level alpha and thought I'd share - it's open source and almost all of its assets are from OGA!
This looks nice but is, unfortunately, unplayably slow at 900x600 (2fps, but I think the counter doesn't go lower).
Arch Linux 64bit, ATI RS780 [Radeon HD 3200], open source ATI driver, Chromium 23.0.1271.64
OpenArena 0.8.8 runs fine (except it seems to freeze the screen/vga for a few seconds every few seconds after a minute of gameplay or so...)
Sound playback is smooth though. :) (I don't see any bullets)
Which one (or both?) of the FPS counters give you the 2? The first one is graphics and the second one physics. You don't probably see any bullets because the physics are too laggy (I've noticed this too on my machine on Firefox if I have multiple game tabs open). What kind of CPU do you have?
Memory might also be one issue if you have little of it: On my machine the game tab uses a rather whopping ~750MB of RAM and 250MB of GPU mem. Also, I don't think the open source drivers give enough performance. However, you can try the "quarterMode" from options, which renders at a reduced resolution stretched to fill the viewport.
Sidenote, OpenArena is one of the least demanding 3D FPS:es out there, as frequently benchmarked by Phoronix.
AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor, 4G RAM, onboard VGA has 256M RAN
It ran OK at low resolution and nearly all options off: (sorry for missing audio, have yet to set that up)
Love the kind-of-non-violent forks. :)
Thanks for testing! As I have most major features already in, I'll be using more time for optimizations, performance options and browser compatibility. Hopefully it will be more than marginally playable for you upon release.
EDIT: I noticed I'm using your icons! Thanks for sharing. :)
Firefox was slow and chrome wouldn't play it, but it looks good. I'm rocking linux mint.
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FacadeGaikan, could you check if there was any errors in the JavaScript console, which opens in Chrome by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J?