Adventures in Pixel Art
Adventures in Pixel Art
So, over the last couple of weeks, I've been trying to learn a little bit about pixel art. The image you see here is my current progress on my own base sprite. When it's done, my plan is to slap an open license or two on it and send it out into the ether. :)
I'd like to take a minute, though, to talk about my process. While I wouldn't call myself a particularly good pixel artist, I'm learning fairly quickly, thanks in large part to the help of some of the pixel art communities around the teh internets. Specifically, I'd like to plug:
* Pixel Joint ( )
* Pixelation ( )
I've posted my art to both forums and received helpful advice in each case. The trick, really, is to realize that the people critiquing you (especially if you're a beginner) have a lot more experience than you do and thus know what they're talking about. Have thick skin, listen to their advice, and be prepared to re-work your art multiple times.
Oh, and for the love of all that is holy, USE REFERENCES! Do this regardless of whether you're drawing a person, a monster, a rock, or whatever. Not using references is a common beginner's mistake, and it's quite obvious. Even the pros use them -- there's no shame in it.
If you'd like to follow my progress, you can check out the critique threads:
Nice one! Keep working on yourself ;) Looking forward to final sprite.