Lots of free 2D art for the taking
Lots of free 2D art for the taking
Thursday, November 29, 2012 - 07:46
I want to call your attention to this, i think the art is great and the guy is just giving it away:
It seems hes a talented artist that suffers from a lack of programmer skills on his games, i will call his attention to OGA, maybe something good can come out of this.
Looks quite nice indeed... try to get him to agree on a CC license for it that is compatible with OGA :)
Wow I love all of his tilessets. I suggest Public Domain (CCO) because more games would be able to use them with that license. Seems like thats what he wants by making them free.
Actually, CC-BY isn't a whole lot more restrictive than CC0, apart from asking for attribution. It's got some annoying quirks with DRM, but you can add an exception to fix that issue.
Hyptosis has actually reposted some of his stuff here on OGA before - http://opengameart.org/users/hyptosis and http://opengameart.org/content/forest-tiles-0 - as public domain, with the implication thathes willing to license all of his work from lorestrome as such.
I PM Hyptosis through newgrounds and here's what he said,
He didn't specify CCO but seeing that all if his art on OGA is licensed CCO I'm sure thats what he wants.
Hey Danimal, if you take the honors on submitting his art to OGA I think it would be nice to include his minor request,
It would be better it you do it, i dont know much about sprites and suchs and am likely to mess things up.
It'll be my pleasure to upload them. I'm going to wait until I get him to say "CCO" before uploading them so no-one has any doubts.
New message from Hyptosis,
I've been looking through Hyptosis's new tiles comparing them to the ones already saved on OGA and there is more then 50% more new stuff. There's a lot of new cool stuff. Here's an example :-]
I drew the wick burning and learned how to make animation in Gimp :D
Anyways, from the last reply from him a better license would be the same license I've been using, CC-BY-SA, because of requiring attribution. I like being credited and he would too so that license is better. Thanks Bart for teaching me about the licenses.
Do you guys think I should bother him again to clarify that if he wants to require attribution to go with CC-BY-SA or just be nice to get attribution with CCO. He says "all I want is credit" so that means CC-BY-SA right?
No, that means CC-BY as bart mentioned. Certainly the closest license to Hyptosis' statement.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Thanks surt, I'm still learning what each license means. If somebody could explain the difference between CC-BY and CC-BY-SA I would love to know! Thanks in advance.
"SA" stands for "Share Alike." In general terms, it means that derivative works from the original have to also be freely licensed. In more specific terms, there's still disagreement over how that works in a game implementation.
Ok, will pass that info to Hyptosis and see if he is interested in any derivatives of his work also being freely licensed. I personally perfer CC-BY-SA for my art work because if a derivative is obviously better then mine, I would like to use the upgrade on my game too.
Edit: Silly me... I didn't notice till just now.. but if you look at one of the pages where he posted his art http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/hyptosis/tile-art-batch-1 you'll see the [Licensing Terms] on the left, click on the "Commons Deed" link and you'll see (CC-BY 3.0)
Ahh, that's good. You should upload the stuff to OGA then.
@Zabin: Please consider asking for CC-By or CC-0, CC-By-SA is a burden for most of us and we try to avoid it.
It's already licensed under CC-By, as it turns out (see two posts up from yours).
I assumed its just one of them, did not saw any license info when i checked. But it seems all are CC-By, thanks for pointing it out.
Yeah I overlooked the license info also, thus bothered Hyptosis a couple times trying to figure it out.
I'll upload ASAP, since I'm on satallite internet I might not have good enough service during the day and might not get it submitted until 11 tonight.
Zabin, are you still in contact with Hyptosis? If so, and if it wouldn't be too much work, could you ask him whether licensing the art you posted under the GPLv2 would be ok for him? I am interested in using his art in my project, but I would like to keep all content under the same license (GPLv2).
@Andrettin, I'll contact Hyptosis about dual-licensing his art under GPLv2 as well(I was going to do this anyways as I just recently re-worked/re-colorized a bunch of my favorite OGA stuff and I'd like it all to be under as many licenses as possible). That way as many games as possible could utilize the work I've done. I want to help people like you :) I've got a ton of art to submit to OGA but I still need to sort out some licensing things(like this with Hyptosis) and I haven't got around to doing that yet as I don't have internet access where I currently live.
So here's a small example of the art I've been working on and you could expect me to have this licensing stuff cleared up( +this art I'll be submitting to OGA) within the next month (hopefully :P) or as soon as I can get around to it.
Peace -Zabin
(edit: Forgot to mention this is all re-colorized using DB32 color palette so everything fits together nicely ;) )
Nice, thanks for your efforts, Zabin!