Help publicise an open-source game - UFO: Alien Invasion

Help publicise an open-source game - UFO: Alien Invasion

Open-source turn-based strategy game UFO: Alien Invasion is in the running to be named SourceForge's December Project of the Month. The poll closes in a day and we're not far behind the leaders (11%, 23 votes).

You need a Twitter account to vote, which has put a big dampener on our support. But if you've got an account please go and vote for us.

UFO: Alien Invasion recently reached a major milestone when we finally got all of our art content properly licensed in various FLOSS licenses. It represented more than two years replacing poorly licensed content and OpenGameArt played a big role in helping us reach that goal.

So please go and vote if you can, and help us bring more attention to open-source game development.

(to the moderators: I did send a message to Bart to ask if this was an appropriate post in these forums, but haven't heard back. Since the vote finishes in a day, I went ahead and posted, but please feel free to remove this post if it is a breach of etiquitte.)