Minor edit pushes submission to front of latest art
Minor edit pushes submission to front of latest art
Just did a minor change to my Flamelings submission (added a license) and it pushed it to the front of the latest art queue (shouldn't that be back in queue terms?) which is kind of lame for everyone else in the queue. Can anything be done about this?
Want to update the licenses/previews on a few ancient submissions, but don't want the same happening to them.
Hmm... I think that this feature was added so that it would be more comfortable to update old entries rather than make new ones, thus reducing clutter on the gallery, etc. But perhaps it should be optional.
to be honest im ok with this, so long as its made so it cant be spammed like every day it seems resonable as adding a liscense makes the art usable to more people now
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
I think it should be optional. Just added a bunch of tags to submission of Hyptosis' art not realizing it was going to do that. It's a good idea to do that with the license but IMO it probaly shouldn't do that just for tags.
I made this change because of a request that a couple people made, the idea being to encourage people to add things to their old submissions (for organizational purposes) rather than creating new ones. I agree that a description or title change shouldn't make the art appear on the front page, and I'd like to fix this issue, but for the moment, as long as people aren't gaming the system, this will work.
If you want to make small edits and don't want them to show up on the front page, link them to me in this topic after you've changed them and I'll manually age them off for now. I'll try to get to making a real fix shortly.