Moderna Graphical Interface
Moderna Graphical Interface
Thursday, December 30, 2010 - 11:47
Art Type:
Hi, it's me again. Here i post another idea for a g.u.i.
It's just a few ideas, that i will continue designing.
For now, the set includes: health and mana bar, vault window, quest window, spells window, quick spellsbar, system icons for "character, vault, spells, configuration and chat".
I post the source, that will be updated when i make changes.
Ask and suggestions are welcome.
I hope you like it.
Feel free to use. Just credit me.
Cheers! =)
Maded in photoshop cs3, with pen tablet, and a lot of time.

Your gui kicks ass :)
I'll come out and say what everyone is thinking: This GUI is awesome. Someone please use it in a game. :)
Looks gorgeous !
Great GUI! Very good work!
Pretty cool dude. Especially like what you did with 'John Lennon' . Nice. Just need some nice cool-looking fonts and one is good to go.
Thankyou, i agree with the font, in the future i will look this point, maybe i design a bitmat font, for now i'm actually using titilium (open source) for the portrait and fontin (very permisive) for the tittle and mission text.
Just adding my words of praise to the growing pile thereof. ;) No seriously, this is totally an awesome GUI, and it looks very professional.
With regard to fonts, I always keep an eye on these guys here:
They don't release new fonts very often, but when they do, they're always very solid, distinctive, and usable. Their latest font, Linden Hill, may be appropriate for a fantasy GUI (and honestly, I could see it working extremely well in a steampunk setting too).
hi bart, i chet the site, amazing work, sophisticated, clean and pro. The body and finishing the types are very sensitive.
I like the linden, for this type of look and feel, and orbitron is the perfect type for another sci-fi GUI that i'm sketching.
Thankyou for the advice ;-)
Nice... should be adapted to use in Flare or Summoning Wars IMHO.
Thanks for this GUI! I'm currently adapting it for use in Sumwars, awesome work!
Oops, the guy above is me, I thought I was logged in, sorry.
hi, thank you too, you are welcome, i'm glad to help =)
I don't know much about GUI or how to enter them into my engine but I would like to use this type of interface, With a minor modification for a animated heart and other things. Please contact me as soon as possible. Or visit my UI post in the forums here. Looks great btw.
Really great job with that GUI :D
If you would like some time to work on GUI for sci-fi game, you should help UFO: AI team ;) They surely could use your talent.
Yay! you rock!
Have any1 yet adapted this for GameMaker8?
I'd like to use it.
You should have included a link of the product. Saw it and was saddened to find that Game maker 8.0 is a propreitary software.
Do not think that is where the OP (Original Poster) wants to go though. The licenses itself are incompatible. That one is propreitary while this one although have various licenses do not think can merge (atleast in this form)
Thanks for the link.
Well actually 90% of the Game Maker 8 app is free and open, you just have to pay for the extra features.
They even allow you to share and distribute your games made for free, even if it was from free lite version.
You only really need the paid version for 3D and multiplayer games.
So RPG games and single player is fine.
Actually, I should point out for the record that the licenses on this particular work in no way prevent you from using it with proprietary software. In fact, with CC-BY, all you need to do is attribute the author in your credits, and you're good to go. :)
Dude this is epic and the colours are stunning! :D
Thanks for clearing that up Bart, cause this is going into my game, will just ask FLyingGekko my graphics partner to make a bigger bank vault with it.
Maybe in a year we can show you all a kickass game with lots of credits to all contributors!!
THANK YOUUUUU for such a wonderful set <3
This is going into Sigmore Mines 3! :D
Someone is selling your work here:!!-GUI-Inventory-Quest-Spell-s-HUD-for-RPG?p=662774#post662774
Lovely, but too bad it isn't larger.
Wow, this is incredible! *scraping my jaw off the floor* What program did you use?
Very nice! :)
Looks beautiful! I'm playing with converting it to the LPC palette for inclusion in another game.
Very nice indeed. High quality all around :)
Wow, has a cool world of warcraft talent tree feel to it, big fan! You did an amazing job, thanks!
Great job just as everybody else had stated, one question though, is there a way to have the player mana/health bar go down?
Just realized how to do this easily, I asked this question when I was not thinking clearly. :D
And again, Great job!
Were you able to get this GUI's health and mana bars to go up and down or did you just do something like display a number showing how much health they had left? I am curious as to how you fixed your problem because I will most likely need to fix mine aswell.
I took it into gimp(I don't own photoshop :( ) and edited apart the image so I could select how much of the health they had aka only show the needed amount of health in the image(this probably will make more sense with the image)
I did not have need for the menus in this project yet so I didn't extract them out into here so it is easier to use. And this is not compact either. Just what I used, if you have any questions using this just let me know(and I know this is a bit of a late response, but at least it is a response :D)
And thanks again to the author for the great piece!
Hello i have used the "mission" old-paper like background!
And again: this looks pretty cool, I tell you again: you are very talented! thank you so much!
This is my ongoing project:
And i also created a nine patch version:
Hello, I started using your GUI on my 2D Mobile RPG game that I'm making, I started a blog about it, you can check it here:
Thank you for this awesome asset!
so Beautiful~!!!
Yes, looks great! , and this is a super-good game that I found out uses it!!! XD
Hey guys, it's nice to see that the works i've done are useful for your projects.
In short, i love to build things that people actually uses. That's the best compliment i could ever receive.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
I know this is an old submission, but I wanted to say I love this and would like to use it in my first game I'm building. Also, I'm sure you're probably too busy to get involved with a project, but it couldn't hurt to extend an invitation.
Any chance you would be interested in making a wide format version of this gui?
Licensing is extremely confusing. Why did you stick on two LGPLs and a CC? Just stick with CC, at least it's human-readable. The other GPLs require a lawyer to understand.
@JonSnowShove: Because LGPL's compatibility with CC-BY is debatable. The author has given everyone the choice of which license they would like to use. This allows people working on GPL projects to keep their assets GPL compatible, and yet others can still use this asset even if their project uses only CC assets.
Licensing is indeed confusing, but having more licenses available to choose from is a good thing, not a bad one. If you don't like LGPL, just use this asset as CC-BY. :)
@MedicineStorm Thanks so much for the explanation. I thought I had to use both license! This is great news for all the other assets I was looking at which had even more licenses attached.
Thank you! Awesome work!
Can't be used commercially because of the LGPL restirction, other than that really well made, I am looking for commercial use, so I just wanted to warn other prospective idies. :)
@justin Lewis: LGPL can be used commercially. All licenses on OGA can be used commercially. See
Besides, even if the LGPL conflicted with someone's project, they could just use this asset under CC-BY instead. See
Nice, yeah? :)
My understanding was that you had to follow all licenses up there. Thank you for the information.
se ve estupendo y fresco, genial, eh una pregunta puedo publicar mi GUI, realizados en power point?
Hello, i am very intersted in this pice of art. i was woundering if i could tweek it a bit to fit the game style of the game i am working on.... but credit you. in my game credits. your work with the colors are amazing. and the style is so close to what i was looking for.
Thx , I use thess arts on my game.
My game's name is 魔王親征.
Sorry I am not good at English.