Site error
Site error
I get this error when trying to upload a file to the site:
- Notice: Undefined index: metatags in metatag_metatags_form_submit() (line 859 of /var/www/sites/opengameart/sites/all/modules/metatag/metatag.module).
- Recoverable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to metatag_filter_values_from_defaults() must be an array, null given, called in /var/www/sites/opengameart/sites/all/modules/metatag/metatag.module on line 861 and defined in metatag_filter_values_from_defaults() (line 1408 of/var/www/sites/opengameart/sites/all/modules/metatag/metatag.module).
Did the file upload successfully?
Same error here, not sure about upload part but filenames are snowman.blend and snowman.png.
Yes, the file uploaded successfully.
Same error here.
Same here when trying to submit art. More precisely when all fields are filled and I hit the "Save" button. The submission did *not* upload successfully.
Same error here.
error :
Picture of screen before error:
after I hit submit it throws that error
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
The problem seems to have been fixed. Thanks!