Allow "ora" extension as a file upload
Allow "ora" extension as a file upload
I think we should allow the "ora" filetype (open raster) as a valid upload file type. As far as I know, the only program that widely uses it is MyPaint (and I hear Krita, as well as a Gimp plugin), but since it's an open source format, it would be nice to be able to upload those directly instead of having to zip them up on submission.
I second this motion.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I dont think its a good idea to start admiting minoritary file types, just think that most people who come here looking for art want everything as simple and straigforward as possible (reason why untextured models for example never get much attention), but if they provide that file type along with a more popular one its fine. Because seriously, I, for example wont download a totally unknown program just because i like one art piece thats made on it. I would look for other art that would fit the place and move on (unless its something truly amazing, which is quite rare)
Ideally, provide a .png and additionally an .ora inside of a .zip (is there built-in compression?).
If .ora is not compressed, this might be the only reason to reject it as a direct upload, but for now, please feel free to upload .ora inside of a .zip or .7z but for ease of use, I recommend you provide a .png as well.
I thought I'd replied to this already, but I guess I didn't. :)
While I support the idea of the .ora filetype, there are a couple things preventing me from allowing it directly:
Note that these things aren't necessarily permanent. If the .ora file format gets to the point where it's more well known and widely supported, I'll add it in. For now, though, I'm going to hold off on this one..